ROHYX Chapter 548 : Come Around

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Huo Changqing knew Yun Qing's personality very well, so he didn't expect him to agree right away. However, he was confident that Yun Qing would come to his senses.

Before Yun Qing left, Xu Wu rushed in and reported, "General, Yifu1, I've just received news that Marshal Tong of Liaodong has been assassinated." In recent years, assassination attempts had become as common as daily meals. Unexpectedly, their General was safe, but Tong Chunlin had encountered trouble.

Huo Changqing's eyes lit up, and he said to Yun Qing, "Heaven is helping us." With Tong Chunlin's assassination, Liaodong was sure to be in chaos for a while. The Imperial Court's attention would be focused on Liaodong, leaving little time to deal with the Northwest. This was their opportunity.

Even Yun Qing also felt this was an excellent opportunity. "Who could have assassinated Tong Chunlin?" For some reason, a name popped into his mind as soon as he asked this question.

Xu Wu shook his head. "That is not clear yet. However, Song Guojiu2 personally went to Liaodong to investigate the matter. We will likely have results soon."

Huo Changqing told Yun Qing, "Go to your courtyard and tell your wife about this news! Let her be happy, too." The killing of Tong Chunlin and Song Guojiu's personal investigation of the incident in Liaodong proved that this matter was definitely not simple. As for the rest, he didn't want to think about it.

Yun Qing nodded.

As soon as he entered the backyard, he saw Yuxi lost in thought. Yun Qing approached her and asked, "Why are you still in the yard this late?"

Deep in thought, Yuxi was startled by the sudden voice. When she regained her senses and saw Yun Qing, she was both surprised and delighted. "He Rui, you're back."

Seeing Yuxi like this, Yun Qing felt guilty and replied, "Yes, I'm back." After all, she only wanted him to progress further for the safety of their family, and his reaction had been somewhat excessive.

Yuxi's nose prickled, and tears welled in her eyes as she choked out, "He Rui, it's my fault. I shouldn't have forced you to do something you didn't want to do. From now on, let's just live well as a family." She knew that Huo Changqing would convince Yun Qing, so she said this. Just like Mama Lan said, women need to be more gentle. Being too forceful will only push men away.

Yun Qing wiped the tears from Yuxi's eyes and said softly, "Don't say such silly things. You're doing this for me, Zaozao, and our future children. Please stop crying. Let's go inside."

Yuxi obediently followed him inside.

As they entered the bedroom, Yun Qing told Yuxi, "Yuxi, I have just received news that Tong Chunlin has been assassinated. Song Guojiu has personally gone to Liaodong to investigate this case."

Yuxi calmed her emotions and said, "Most likely, this is Yan Wushuang's handiwork." It must have been hard for Yan Wushuang to see the murderer of his family enjoying wealth and power yet unable to take revenge. It must have been agonising for him!

At that moment, Yuxi suddenly realised that Yun Qing had never mentioned seeking revenge. She asked, "He Rui, it would be good if Song Guojiu could be killed by Yan Wushuang this time." If Song Guojiu died, it would indirectly be Yun Qing's revenge. Speaking of which, the Yun family were also innocent victims back then. Of course, that was one way of putting it. Still, Yuxi knew very well that for Song Guojiu, daring to go to Liaodong meant he had enough self-defence capability and wasn't afraid of being killed by Yan Wushuang. Although Song Guojiu had committed numerous atrocities, it had to be admitted that he was pretty capable.

Yun Qing replied, "It would be good if Song Guojiu was killed by Yan Wushuang. If he's still alive, I'll find a way to execute him personally." Not only to avenge his family but also to avenge the soldiers and civilians who died tragically in Tong City.

Yuxi nodded. "Yes, it's too easy to just kill him like that. The souls of over ten thousand victims won't find peace even if he's torn apart a thousand times."

Despite her words, Yun Qing didn't think Yuxi was too ruthless. A person like Song Guojiu deserved to be torn apart a thousand times. He said, "Uncle Huo told me that this is a heaven-sent opportunity."

Yuxi immediately understood the meaning of his words, but she still asked, "What do you mean?" It was indeed a good opportunity.

Yun Qing held Yuxi's hand and explained, "I've figured it out. Let's do what you suggested. Even if we fail, we'll only die together as a family. But if we succeed, not only will we be able to take revenge, but even the Imperial Court won't dare touch us in the future." He had many concerns; the Shan Gan3 regional military alone numbered over twenty thousand, and even if their fighting strength was lacking, it would be challenging to face a ratio of four to one. Besides, the soldiers from Yu City might not be willing to rebel alongside him.

After hearing Yun Qing's concerns, Yuxi said, "Rebel? Even though we've made up our minds, we can't just rush into it. We must wait for the most opportune time to launch our forces."

Yun Qing asked, "When would that be?"

Yuxi replied, "When there is a rebellion." With how things were going under Ji Xuan, a rebellion was bound to happen sooner or later. Of course, even if there was no rebellion, they could stir one. After all, these deep waters were already murky; adding fuel to the fire would only make it burn brighter.

Upon hearing this, Yun Qing's expression showed some embarrassment. It was genuinely shameful to incite a rebellion under the guise of suppressing it.

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

Yuxi said, "This is only a preliminary plan. We need to plan carefully in order to implement it." The main aspects were in place, but the finer details still needed to be worked out.

Yun Qing thought for a moment and said to Yuxi, "Yu Cong should bring back a topographical map from Yu City to Maluo Mountain." So, there was no need to worry about the route from Yu City to Maluo Mountain anymore.

Yuxi felt deceived. The person before her was not as simple as he seemed; he had hidden his cunning so well.

Looking at Yuxi's expression, Yun Qing knew she had misunderstood, so he explained, "Uncle Huo taught us that when we arrive at a place, we should first take note of the terrain." Over time, it became a habit.

Yuxi sincerely praised this action: "This is an excellent habit." With the entire route planned out, what could go wrong? How much trouble could be saved at critical moments?

After discussing important matters, the couple began talking about household matters. Yun Qing said, "I just got back and heard Xu Wu say that Zaozao has started talking?"

Yuxi sighed, "I've been teaching that girl for over three months, and her first word wasn't even 'mom'. She's such an ungrateful child."

Yun Qing also regretted that Zaozao's first word wasn't 'dad', but looking at Yuxi's visible belly, that regret faded away. Yun Qing smiled and said, "This is also the fate between Uncle Huo and Zaozao." In his heart, Uncle Huo was no different from a biological father.

Yuxi smiled. With the essential matters resolved, she asked, "Have you eaten?" Seeing Yun Qing shake his head, she quickly requested Mama Bai to bring the food.

At noon the next day, Yuxi heard that Han Ji had returned. "It's been six months, and he's finally back." The journey from Jiangnan to Yu City was too far. Transporting food from those two places would take three months, not counting the harsh weather.

After freshening up, Han Ji entered the inner courtyard to meet Yuxi and briefed her on what he had seen and heard along the way, especially about his experiences in Jiangnan.

Yuxi had always heard about Jiangnan's wealth but had never seen it with her own eyes. However, her focus was not on Jiangnan now. She asked, "How effective has the government been in suppressing bandits?"

Han Ji shook his head. "The Northwest is even more chaotic now than before. The road is very dangerous, but fortunately, we have Yu Daren4's elite troops with us." With two hundred cavalrymen, especially the elite among them, most horse thieves and bandits avoided them when they heard about it. However, they were still delayed for more than half a month due to the weather. Otherwise, they would have arrived at the beginning of the sixth month.

Yuxi had expected all this, so she was not surprised. She asked, "How are the people in those two places?" With the bandits running rampant and the officials cracking down on them, the ordinary people suffered.

Han Ji shook his head. "The harsh taxes have gone up another ten per cent from last year. How can people survive in these two places? The taxes were already high, and the local government added two more kinds of taxes this year. The little grain that grows in the fields is not enough to pay the taxes."

Yuxi sighed softly.

Han Ji shared some good news that made Yuxi happy, "Madam, Tian Yang is doing well. He can almost stand on his own now." Tian Yang was like a protégé that he had nurtured. When a disciple succeeded, it was also an honour for the master.

Yuxi was also pleased, confirming that her initial judgement was correct. She immediately sent Tian Ju to find Tian Yang and reunite the siblings. Seeing Tian Ju's happy expression, Yuxi shook her head. Tian Yang was exceptionally bright and quick to learn, while Tian Ju was slow and clumsy. Yuxi wanted to rely on Tian Yang; otherwise, Tian Ju wouldn't be qualified to serve in the Second Courtyard.

Meanwhile, in the front yard, Yu Cong met with Yun Qing in the study, recounting the incidents he had encountered on the way: "We encountered a group of ignorant bandits, whom I dealt with decisively. Apart from that, the journey was relatively peaceful." The bandits, numbering over four hundred, attempted to loot the grain reserves but were swiftly dealt with by Yu Cong, who completely wiped them out and even dismantled their hideout.

Yun Qing nodded and asked, "Have you mapped out the terrain?" Although it was customary, there was no strict rule about submitting it.

Yu Cong nodded, saying, "I have thoroughly explored and mapped out the terrain from Xinping City to Maluo Mountain." He then handed the map he had drawn to Yun Qing.

Taking the map, Yun Qing looked up and inquired, "You even explored the routes surrounding the official road?" The map was detailed, extensively marked with mountains, rivers, and paths.

Yu Cong nodded as he answered, "I can cover a day's journey in the time it takes a grain convoy ten days. It was so boring that I wandered around the area." It would be more accurate to say that he deliberately explored the routes.

Yun Qing asked, "Why did you explore those routes?" He hadn't specifically instructed Yu Cong to explore those routes.

Without much thought, Yu Cong replied, "I thought in case the Imperial Court issues a decree, we could quickly eliminate those bandits." Pointing to a specific location on the map, he continued, "This is Fengjia Ridge, where a strong bandit group of over three hundred men is located. We would need at least a hundred elite soldiers to defeat them." Taking those bandits down would require one hundred fifty to two hundred ordinary soldiers.

Looking at the map, Yun Qing felt incredibly relieved and said, "You will be credited for this." This map could save a lot of time.

Uninterested in credit, Yu Cong responded, "General, I just want to relax at Fuji for a drink." The food and drink at Fuji Restaurant were excellent but pricey. Nowadays, only the wealthy dared to enter, as it was expensive.

Yun Qing smiled and said, "This meal will be on the Yun Residence's tab." Although the restaurant belonged to the Yun Residence, they still had to pay, but it could be done on credit. That way, they could keep track of the restaurant's income.

Yu Cong happily replied, "Thank you, General." It was a pity that Feng Dajun was in the military camp, and Yu Cong and Xu Wu couldn't join him. It was a missed opportunity for them.

PS (Author): I'm getting married tomorrow but still buried with work today. I'll give myself a thumbs up, O(∩_∩)O~...... (🦊: For your information, the author, June, got married on February 24th, 2015.)

Footnotes Full List
  1. adoptive/foster father
  2. the Emperor's maternal uncle or brother-in-law
  3. Shaanxi and Gansu provinces
  4. title of respect toward superiors


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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13 Oct 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 559, 560, 561 & 562. Those who have sponsored me some teas you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊 If there's a broken link to the next chapter or a missing link to the next chapter, please let me know so I can fix it.