ROHYX Chapter 547 : Soften

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Huo Changqing heard the news as soon as he came back from the estate. However, Yun Qing was still in the military camp and hadn't returned, so Huo Changqing first visited Yuxi.

When Huo Changqing saw Yuxi, he asked, "Where is Zaozao?" It had been a while since they last met, and he was eager to see her. In fact, it was also fate. Children were usually intimidated by serious people like Huo Changqing, but Zaozao happened to be a brave girl.

Yuxi hurriedly told Mama Lan to take Zaozao out. Huo Changqing smiled as he took Zaozao from Mama Lan's arms and said, "Zaozao, it's been a long time. Do you miss Yéye1?"

Zaozao giggled and reached out to grab Huo Changqing's beard. Fortunately, his beard wasn't long, so she couldn't catch it firmly.

Huo Changqing asked, "Zaozao is over a year old now. Why hasn't she spoken yet? As far as I can remember, children usually start talking around the age of one."

Yuxi was also a bit frustrated. Zaozao seemed intelligent, but she still couldn't speak at thirteen months old. It was pretty worrying. "Mama Lan said some children start talking later, some earlier. Zaozao is only thirteen months old now, so it should not be a problem."

Huo Changqing teased Zaozao, "Come on, Zaozao, say Yéye..."

Yuxi had been trying to teach Zaozao to call them 'mom2' and 'dad3' for days, but she still refused to speak. Every time Yuxi tried to teach her, she just babbled and danced around, leaving Yuxi feeling discouraged.

"... ..." Zaozao mumbled two words unclearly.

Huo Changqing was overjoyed and said, "Not 'yè yè, it's Yéye. Come on, ... ye..." Huo Changqing corrected Zaozao's pronunciation.

"... ye..." The second attempt was more accurate. This action by Zaozao made Huo Changqing extremely happy.

Yuxi exclaimed and smiled at Huo Changqing, "This girl is particularly fond of you, Uncle Huo. I've been trying to teach her for months, but she was unwilling to open her mouth. As soon as you teach her, she's willing to talk." It would be a lie to say that she wasn't a little upset, but she was still happy that Zaozao could finally open her mouth and speak. While Mama Lan said it was normal for children not to talk at thirteen months, Yuxi still had some concerns. Now that Zaozao could, it lifted a weight off her heart.

This was something that Huo Changqing loved to hear. He immediately smiled and said, "This is also our fate."

After teasing Zaozao for a while, Huo Changqing started talking business with Yuxi, "Xu Wu said you had a disagreement with Yun Qing about sending his troops outside?"

Upon hearing this, Yuxi's expression immediately darkened. "After He Rui knew, he said he would never allow himself to become a traitor." She guessed that Yun Qing would be unhappy when he learned about this, but she hadn't expected his reaction to be so strong.

Huo Changqing was not surprised. "Old Master Yun was a straightforward and upright person. Yun Qing grew up by his side since childhood and was greatly influenced by him." After a pause, he continued, "You may not know that I originally wanted him to change his name before he enlisted in the army and only reveal his identity when the time was right. At that time, Marshal Qin was still around, so changing his name wouldn't have been a difficult thing to do, but he refused. He said he had lived a dignified life, so why should he change his name as if he had something to hide? I couldn't persuade him and had to go along with his wishes." Because he didn't change his name, he suffered endless assassination attempts by the Song family. Yun Qing was lucky to survive peacefully until now.

Yuxi didn't expect such a revelation and asked worriedly, "What if he still refuses?"

Huo Changqing reassured her, "Don't worry, I will persuade him."

With this assurance, Yuxi felt relieved. "That's good." She was afraid that Yun Qing would miss the opportunity just for the sake of his reputation.

Huo Changqing could say this to Yuxi because he had the confidence to do so. However, he also had his concerns. "If Yun Qing goes to war, the Imperial Court will send a large army to suppress us. If the northern barbarians get wind of this and attack us from both sides, we will be in a difficult situation." Yun Qing was right about one thing; without a mobilisation order, going to war would be considered rebellion, and the court would surely send troops to besiege them.

Yuxi said, "The local forces in Shaanxi and Gansu are no match for the Northwest Army. If the Imperial Court sends troops from the southwest to besiege us, we will have already taken control of the two provinces by then."

Huo Changqing asked, "Even if we capture the two provinces, what then?"

Yuxi shamelessly replied, "After capturing the two provinces, we will negotiate with the Imperial Court and demand that they appoint He Rui as the Governor-General of Shaanxi and Gansu." This way, they wouldn't be seen as traitors.

Huo Changqing felt that Yuxi had not got to the heart of the matter when he pointed out, "I'm not worried about the local forces of the northwest, but if the Imperial Court sends a large army to besiege us, we definitely won't be able to win with such limited forces we have in the northwest. Besides, war is costly, and we don't have that much money." The Northwest Army only had one hundred thousand troops, and some had to stay to guard Yu City, so at most sixty thousand soldiers were available for their other purposes. It would be very risky if the Imperial Court sent two hundred thousand troops to besiege them then.

Yuxi glanced at Huo Changqing and felt a little speechless in her heart. What was he worried about? "Uncle Huo, there is a saying: 'Feed the war with war'. As long as we gain control of the two provinces in the northwest, why should we worry about being unable to recruit soldiers or secure military funds? Even if we don't recruit new soldiers, the local forces in the northwest are quite substantial." The problem with the effectiveness of the local forces in the northwest was not the inadequacy of the soldiers but the lack of discipline in the camps. A change in leadership could make a difference. The former Chen Yu was a prime example of this.

Huo Changqing thought Yuxi was too optimistic: "Forcibly conscripting soldiers will only backfire."

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

Yuxi replied, "Uncle Huo, as long as we see to it that they are well-fed and clothed, I believe many will willingly enlist. Being a soldier is better than turning to banditry."

Huo Changqing fell silent for a moment before speaking again, "Even if the Imperial Troops sent to besiege us fail, and if the Imperial Court promises to appoint Yun Qing as the Governor-General of Shaanxi and Gansu, do you think Yun Qing can handle this position well?" The Governor-General held significant power, overseeing military affairs, provisions, horses, and more. If Yun Qing was to control the Northwest, he would have to manage both military and civil affairs effectively. While Yun Qing was skilled in warfare, handling administrative tasks might prove challenging.

Yuxi reassured him, "Uncle Huo, no need to worry. We can select honest and capable officials to handle these matters. As long as leaders utilise their subordinates effectively, they don't necessarily need to do everything themselves. If one tries to manage everything themselves, they will end up exhausted."

Huo Changqing responded, "That's true in theory. But if Yun Qing lacks understanding in these matters, he might be misled in the future."

Yuxi retorted, slightly annoyed, "These things are not that difficult. They won't be able to fool me and He Rui." Yuxi had some knowledge of taxation but was unfamiliar with legal matters. However, it was always possible for them to learn it; it wasn't that complex.

Huo Changqing nodded in agreement. "That should work."

Yun Qing returned home late into the night. Upon his arrival, he heard Zaozao calling out, not for her parents, but for her Yeye. Yun Qing inquired, "Uncle Huo is back?" Only Huo Changqing was addressed as Yeye by Zaozao.

Xu Wu nodded, "Yes, he arrived at noon and is currently in the backyard." He hoped that his Yifu4 could have a good talk with the General and possibly change his mind.

Seeing Huo Changqing, Yun Qing noticed he looked much better than before and greeted him, "Yifu, you're back."

Huo Changqing grunted and instructed everyone in the courtyard to leave before talking to Yun Qing, "What do you think of Han Shi's suggestion?"

Yun Qing shook his head, "It's not feasible. We cannot send troops without orders." He had to stick to his principles and not take that step.

Huo Changqing did not react to Yun Qing's words but said, "Have you ever thought that once you are gone, not only will Han Shi and Zaozao not survive, but even me, Xu Wu, and Feng Dajun will suffer the same fate?" Their fates were intertwined with Yun Qing's; if one prospered, they all prospered; if one suffered, they all suffered. If something happened to him, they would surely be eliminated as well.

Yun Qing was taken aback; he hadn't considered this before.

Huo Changqing continued, "Yun Qing, I know what you're worried about. You are afraid of bearing eternal shame. But why not look at it from another angle? By taking this step, you can benefit millions of people and even open up new territories!"

Yun Qing didn't understand. "How would my actions benefit millions of people and open up new territories? What does this have to do with me?"

Huo Changqing explained, "The northwest is in chaos, burdened by heavy taxes. The common people are suffering. If you became the Governor-General of Shaanxi and Gansu, you could govern justly and relieve the people of oppressive taxes. With good governance, you would indeed benefit millions of people. And with enough resources and your abilities, wouldn't you be able to completely eliminate the northern barbarians?"

Yun Qing sighed, "Managing the affairs of two provinces is not easy." If Yuxi were here, she would have been speechless. He was worried about his ability to handle the governorship's responsibilities even before assuming the role.

Huo Changqing shook his head, "If you can lead soldiers in battle, why not handle governance? And with Han Shi's assistance, I believe you'll do just fine." Seeing Yun Qing hesitating, Huo Changqing added, "Yun Qing, I believe if the Old Master were still alive, he would have agreed with me."

Yun Qing replied, "Uncle Huo, if we fail, our family and all of you will face dire consequences." If they were accused of treason, it meant death not only for them but also for their families. It was a crime punishable by the execution of nine generations.

Huo Changqing said, "I have been living on borrowed time. Now, every day is a bonus. As for Xu Wu, Yun Cong, and the others, even if they meet their end, I believe they will not regret it." He paused, looked at Yun Qing, and said, "Victory brings power. If we succeed, we won't be restrained anymore. If we fail, it's only death. What is there to fear?"

Yun Qing stated, "I just don't want Yuxi and Zaozao to suffer." He didn't want eternal shame, but he also feared the effect of failure on his family.

Huo Changqing responded, "When Han Shi said she wanted you to be governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, I asked her why. Do you know what she said then?"

Yun Qing shook his head, admitting he hadn't asked that question.

Huo Changqing revealed, "She said she didn't want her children to be at the mercy of others like she had been." Many considered Han Shi to be ambitious, but Huo Changqing believed that Yuxi's ambitions were born of a deep-seated fear stemming from past events where power seemed to be the only means of protection for her and her family.

Yun Qing fell silent momentarily and said, "Uncle Huo, I will seriously consider this."

Footnotes Full List
  1. (respectful form of addressing an old man) grandpa

  2. niáng
  3. diē
  4. adoptive/foster father


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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