DBAFSC Ch 19 : Survival Strategies In Hengshan Village

Bao Ruanruan raised her hand to ask for a repair toolbox.

Not only the production's staff were shocked, but so was the audience.

[What does she want to do?]
[Repair? Did I hear it wrong?]

[What is the little white flower up to again? Isn't it enough just to look at the sun?]

But the bus driver quickly turned around. "There is one. Teacher, are you going to—?"

Bao Ruanruan stood up, took a rubber band, and neatly tied her scattered raven-coloured hair up high.
"Let's try and see if this bus can be salvaged."

[Are you going to fix the bus, or is the bus going to fix you?]

Even many male car enthusiasts these days, who were academic achievers with some knowledge of circuit physics, might not necessarily know how to fix a car.

Not to mention female stars, most of whom had poor grades and were fragile. When faced with a situation like this, where they had to open the bonnet, deal with lots of metal parts covered in oil, and construct circuits, they would be completely clueless.

But Bao Ruanruan still stood up. Her black T-shirt was tucked into her black tracksuit bottoms. She looked paler than paper and had a slender waist. Except for the gentle undulation of her chest, her figure was as thin as a piece of paper.

At first glance, she looked so fragile that she could easily be toppled just by a gust of wind.

Her little white flower character setting was unbreakable. 
Even if someone said she couldn't lift a tyre, there would be someone who would believe it!

Even the bus driver was sceptical. He frowned so hard that it looked like he could squash a mosquito with his eyebrows. If the show staff hadn't forbidden him from speaking, he would have intervened on the spot.

If a small problem with the bus turned into a big one, the repair costs could multiply!

But under his gaze, Bao Ruanruan deftly picked up the toolbox and opened it with a snap. 
She quickly took out a metal wrench, a long extension rod, and a hex key.

[There are so many tools!]
[LOL, did she just randomly pick them up? Pretty bold!]

But as soon as the bus driver saw them, his eyes lit up: "It's probably a battery problem that needs to be replaced. There's no point in taking it apart as there's no new battery here; we'll have to go to the workshop anyway."

Bao Ruanruan frowned. The bus was floating with a slight smell of oil.

"It's not necessarily that. It is also possible that there are carbon deposits in the engine and malfunctions in the ignition system."

"Is it blocked?"

As soon as the bus driver heard this, he followed her off the bus.

[Does she really understand?]
[WTF, isn't there anyone in the bullet comments who knows anything about vehicles? Who can tell us if she's talking nonsense or if she really understands?]

[4S store maintenance personnel are here: In retrospect, what she's saying is quite right at the moment.]


At first, Lan Zhi and Cheng Yao thought she was joking. Later, when they saw that even the driver was excited, they both got off the bus in a hurry.

"Xiao Bao, can you really fix it?"
"What's broken?"

Both of them were anxious, no longer in the state of pretending to compose music and observing people as they were just now!

Who wanted to be stranded on the road? 
The car wouldn't even start, and there was no air conditioning!

Wouldn't it be much better to compose in a resort or watch people go by a window in an air-conditioned room? 
Why insist on sitting in a hot bus on a 37-degree day, in a cramped, small, and hot seat, with no food or toilet in sight, in the wilderness, to create and progress?
Don't be ridiculous!

Cheng Yao was sweating as he watched Bao Ruanruan skilfully open the engine hood. He immediately felt hopeful, so he hurriedly went to get a bottle of mineral water for her.

As soon as Lan Zhi got off the bus, she exclaimed, "It's so sunny. Xiao Bao, I'll get you an umbrella."
She went back inside, took out a floral umbrella, and held it over Bao Ruanruan's head.

Strictly speaking, these two were Bao Ruanruan's seniors and were more influential than her.
Wherever they went, she should be the one taking care of them.

But now, it was the other way around.

But what to do?

Bao Ruanruan knew how to fix the bus = everyone's only hope!
Everyone was counting on her!

Even the bullet comments section became quieter, with fewer people mocking her as a little white flower or criticising her dream of looking at the sun.
[Let's wait and see first, I'll scold her later.]

Those who said they would wait no longer had to wait.

A cameraman had followed the small group to the back of the bus. The camera was currently focusing on Bao Ruanruan.

Her delicate, fair face was indeed prone to sunburn.
Not long after getting off the bus, her youthful, full cheeks were slightly pinkish due to the scorching heat, and there was a hint of sweat on the tip of her nose.
Her clear, pure, watery eyes also seemed sunburned at the corners, drooping down like a puppy's.

But her slender white fingers, holding a wrench and a hex key, never stopped.
They twisted, wiped, pulled, dismantled, twisted, wiped, dismantled... The movements were so fast that they almost formed an afterimage in front of the camera.

Standing to the side, the driver had his mouth open wider and wider.
The bullet comments section also paused for a moment before resuming its activity.

[Looking for a class representative.]

[I'm here, translating the action into———"She's fixing the bus."]
[...... You... corporate-level translation.]

[45 stores, time to submit your assignments!]

[Assignment submitted: She cleaned up the oil and dust off a wave of ignition coils after removing them, and then she did the same with the spark plugs. After cleaning up the dirt, the issue seems to lie with the spark plugs. The spark plug gaps are too large, causing the engine not to ignite. Conclusion: Replacement is required.]

[soga1, she really knows how to fix cars!]

[If you need to replace the parts, it can't be considered fixed, right?]

Everyone's discussion gradually shifted from Bao Ruanruan being a little white flower to genuinely caring about the progress of the repair.

Since the livestream was focused on Bao Ruanruan, everyone could see her extremely serious expression.
Beads of sweat rolled down her smooth forehead and dripped onto her straight nose.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she quickly turned her face and roughly wiped it with her arm.

Then, she resumed her work on the spark plugs.

No one could blame or criticise a hardworking girl who was everyone's hope!

[Sigh. Sis Lan, all we can do now is keep observing the pedestrians.]
[Cheng Yao GieGie2, get in the car and continue creating, can I hear a new song tonight?]

[Poor Bro Lu, he's still dancing on the side!]
[Car expert: There's nothing they can do, she tried her best, but there are no spare parts (shrugs).]

Only these comments floated by.
However, Bao Ruanruan narrowed her eyes, turned the spark plug in her hand, and pressed the metal gap of the spark plug against the car wall with force, instantly reducing it!


"Done." She nodded as if she was just admiring a work of art.

She was extremely pleased.
She could now get on with her life again.

In the game, the car wouldn't start due to problems with the spark plug, causing her to be torn apart by the pursuing villains... she had to experience this situation 108 times.

At this level, she had to open the bonnet, remove the spark plug, and adjust the gap to within two millimetres in just two minutes to restart the car and avoid death.

After dying so many times, she finally mastered it.

Bao Ruanruan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the spark plug with satisfaction. The gap had been adjusted to 0.9mm.


Bao Ruanruan quickly—————reassembled the parts, closed the hood, and asked the driver to get in and give it a try.

With a roar, the engine started effortlessly!

Bao Ruanruan smiled sweetly at Lan Zhi, the senior who had held an umbrella for her.

Lan Zhi, who had never praised the younger generation, gave her a thumbs-up in front of the camera.

"Good job, eat more at lunch later, little girl."

Bao Ruanruan smiled.
That's not necessary.
Overeating will put a strain on your stomach.

She turned her head to find Cheng Yao handing her a bottle of water. "That was great."

Bao Ruanruan's slender fingers carefully avoided the spot where Cheng Yao was holding the bottle of water (full of fine bacteria) before gratefully accepting it.

Cheng Yao blushed for a moment.

He looked down and saw that the soft white fingers were on the red wrapper of the mineral water, just a hair's breadth away from his darker fingers.
They were very close.

A sweet melody bloomed in his mind of a girl who was in love but didn't have the courage to approach her crush.

The girl's lovely peach scent made the notes jump.

Cheng Yao couldn't help but breathe more easily.

She didn't seem as scary as his agent reminded him.
In fact, she was very careful to keep her distance from the opposite sex.

She didn't seem to be the kind of person who would cling to you or hug your thigh3.

Cheng Yao coughed and tried to suppress the strange feeling in his heart.
But when he saw her fair face, he couldn't help but be curious: "How do you know how to repair cars?"

Bao Ruanruan's face crumpled, unwilling to remember.
"…………....... Just a necessity of life."

[Hmm? Life?]
[I just checked, she majored in musical theatre, so she taught herself to repair cars. ]

[Has she ever worked in this field before?]
[Emm, it turns out that even the little white flower has also been forced by life. ]

[Who has never worked hard for a living? I suddenly have a good impression of her. ]

The comments flew by, and the wind had changed its direction.
The people who had just scolded her for being delicate were gone.

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at xin-shou.site. If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

In the field, Lu Wenhao and Xiao Mengfei were doing a robot dance.
The temperature was 37 degrees, and the midday sun was approaching its peak.
Surrounded by no tall buildings, the scorching sunlight fell directly on them, unobstructed.

In dance, every move requires explosive strength, timing, and effort.

The sweat he shed almost washed his face.
The light make-up on Xiao Mengfei's face was about to fall off, and her arms covered with ice sleeves felt more like a sauna, sweaty, stuffy, damp, and smelly.

Before half an hour had even passed, the two of them felt that this was more difficult than dancing for an hour in the dance studio.

On the other side, a grandfather was driving a tractor in the distance with the expression of... an old man looking at the phone JPG4.

The grandfather didn't understand what they were doing and was greatly shocked.

Girl and boy group dances were initially aimed at young people.
They were meant to be fashionable.
Also, the emphasis was on the word 'group'.

The orderliness of three or five people made the group dance multi-layered and had a group spirit that made people enjoy both the visual and spiritual aspects.

But now, the two of them were unfamiliar with each other. In front of the old man, not only did they lose the order and soul of a group, but they were also separated by a great wall called folk dance, which the old man cherished.

Lu Wenhao was filled with self-doubt when he saw the old man's expression as if he had seen a monkey———————What was he doing?
He was like a clown!

And Xiao Mengfei was no better. What kept her going was nothing more than the temptation of attracting passers-by and the desire to fight for more shots!

But she soon noticed that, in addition to the cameraman who accompanied her, other cameramen began to turn their attention to the bus..................

Not long after that, the young female assistant came to them with a smile.
"The bus has been fixed by Teacher Bao. Let's set off again."


Lu Wenhao was wooden and sluggish, looking down at the time in disbelief.
23 minutes.
They're going to set off again?

Why did he listen to Xiao Mengfei's bad idea?
Wouldn't it be nice to play a game of Honor of Kings while on the bus?
Why are you in such a hurry to chase your dreams in 23 minutes?

But after taking a step, he returned to his senses, "Who did you say fixed the bus just now?"

Xiao Mengfei was confused and thought she had also heard it wrong.

"Teacher Bao is so pitiful, but she is profound and unfathomable, incredibly talented."


[Hahaha, I'm taking a screenshot of Bro Lu's expression. ]
[Brother Lu, shut up, there is no need to be so surprised, hhhh5]

[Is my little girl tired? Sing a song. ]

Xiao Mengfei wanted to vomit blood when she heard this answer.

She had danced fiercely like a tiger, but when she looked closely, she could see that she was still at the starting point.
It was all for nothing.
After dancing for so long, her arms and face were slightly sunburned, and her make-up was almost gone. It turned out that it was Bao Ruanruan who stood out the most, not her!

After boarding the bus, she removed her wet ice sleeves, feeling frustrated and withdrawn.

Bao Ruanruan stuck her head out to look at the back seat, "It's not easy to use, is it?"

Xiao Mengfei: "............."
It turned out that being made to kneel down could numb a person.

The big bus set off quickly and reached its destination, Hengshan Village, at a normal speed.

The village lay at the foot of rolling mountains, surrounded by vast fields. 
The Hengshan Tourism Bureau designated it a scenic area two months ago and was currently in the commercial bidding phase.

The resorts, hotels, and entertainment facilities had not yet been built. The tourism bureau was leading the development and planning of the scenic area.

The reason the production team of 'With Dreams as Horses' chose this location was to work with the Hengshan District to promote the Hengshan landscape to attract investment and stimulate tourism consumption.

"Teachers, we have arrived. Before we eat, we will invite the village chief to talk about how to live and pursue dreams in Hengshan Village."

The village chief was a man in his fifties with a weathered face and deep wrinkles.
He stood with his hands clasped behind his back, and his mouth, naturally turned down, gave him a stern expression.

As soon as he spoke, he made a loud entrance.
"Firstly, the houses and belongings assigned to you must not be damaged.
Secondly, from the moment you enter the village, everyone must keep track of their work points. You can use these work points to exchange with the villagers for whatever you need, or you can ask them for help."

[Oh, it looks like they have to do hard labour.]
[I knew it, there wouldn't be any leisure or vacation time for them in a village so far away.]
[There's a kid who will have a hard time again.]

Even though the guests were mentally prepared, their faces were still tense.

On the large open field beside them lay a number of farming tools—hoes, axes, ploughs... all substantial equipment.
Coupled with the scorching heat, it made them want to go back home in minutes.

Goodbye, dreams.
No more long journeys; I just want to go home.

But the village chief would not let them retreat. He raised his hand, and two young farm children brought over two blackboards. The prices in work points for various tasks were written on them.

#Build a house where one could speak freely (Lan Zhi) 500 points
Build a rural recording studio (Cheng Yao) 500 points
Set up a self-study room (Lu Wenhao) 500 points
Set up a performance stage (Xiao Mengfei) 500 points
Glass sunroom (Bao Ruanruan) 500 points

#Three meals a day: 10 points per meal#
#Daily room rental fee: 30 points per day#
#Electricity: 3 points per kilowatt hour; Water: 10 points per cubic metre...#

Eating, drinking, and everything else in the village required work points.

[LOL, this show seems to be specially designed for my brother Lu to be independent and not depend on the family, right?]
[Metamorphosis 2nd Edition]

[Those first few 500-point rooms correspond to each guest's dreams, don't they?]
[Work points may not be easy to earn.]

[Plus, with rent to pay, there won't be many points left to save every day.]

"Teachers, your journey to pursue your dreams has now officially begun!" the assistant director shouted.

However, all five guests looked blank. "How do we earn points?"

"Please figure it out yourselves, Teachers."

Big sister Lan Zhi frowned, "We also need points for lunch. How can we do that if we don't have any work points?"

Originally, Bao Ruanruan had stood low-key as soon as she got off the bus.  
When she heard this, her little face crumpled up.   
It's already half past twelve.

"For the Teachers' first meal, we have a special rule: we will deduct 10 points from everyone. Teachers can pay them back later," said Assistant Director Hui bluntly.

Hearing this, everyone reluctantly calmed down, but they were still worried about the upcoming arrangements.

Only Xiao Mengfei remained composed as she revealed a calm smile.  
Her agent, Ji Fei, and her uncle had secretly asked the production team for inside information—the pig-related job was the best one.

Da Kun, the village chief's wife, was in charge of the pigsty and offered the most rewarding tasks.
Helping to feed the pigs was worth 50 points, and cleaning the pigsty was worth 100 points. One could unlock the Dream Room in a maximum of 7 days!

Although tiring, this job would show her hardworking side to the audience.  
Plus, being the first to complete the task would undoubtedly attract more attention and screen time!

"When I was young, I used to help with this kind of work in my hometown!"
Xiao Mengfei, who hadn't eaten yet, couldn't wait and eagerly jumped at the opportunity to work, sweetly volunteering for the task to the village chief.

[Wow, my little sister is so capable!]
[Can a superwoman endure such hardship? Cleaning up after pigs is pretty exhausting, you know.]
[Poor girl, sob sob sob, won't she become a pig after finishing this show?]

"Village Chief, can this job earn points?"  
Xiao Mengfei's eyes sparkled.  
It was as if she could already see the audience's praise.

Her uncle had also found out about a hidden bonus from the production team: the first person to get a job from the Village Chief would receive additional rewards.  
They would be exempt from paying the daily water and electricity bills, food expenses and would receive the Village Chief Card.  
With this card, villagers could help with certain tasks.

If she cleaned the pigsty, she could share it with someone else, so she didn't have to do it alone!

"That's right, it has points." The village chief nodded.

Xiao Mengfei was full of excitement, waiting for her reward.
But in the next second, she saw the village chief turn his head and look away from her.

Xiao Mengfei: "?"
Where's the Easter Egg6?
Where's the village chief's card reward?

With eyes almost burning with intensity, the village chief smiled and walked over to Bao Ruanruan, stopping before her.
"On the way here just now, was it you who fixed our village's bus?"

Xiao Mengfei blinked.

"That's right, you've saved the village a lot of money on repairs and towing fees. Master Li has reported to me and requested that you be given 100 work points," the village chief said with his hands behind his back.

"As the first person to receive work points, I'm giving you a village chief's card as a reward."

Xiao Mengfei: "!" No one was going to help her clean the pigsty!?

Bao Ruanruan, who was still checking her steps for the day on her phone, was shocked on the spot.
You can get points for that?

Other guests were also surprised.

[Is this even possible?]
[OMG, indeed, compared to dancing and composing music, Bao Ruanruan is the only one making a contribution.]

[Hey, Mom was right, technical skills are indeed valuable.]

[+1 for our amazing science and engineering girls, I see hope for the future!]
[Haha, I finally feel the superiority of being a female engineering student. Arts and humanities students, step aside!]

"Xiao Bao, here's a small electric fan for you." In the past, Cheng Yao was usually silent with his headphones on, immersed in the music world.
Surprisingly, he went all the way to the back to give her something.

Lu Wenhao looked up to see Cheng Yao handing something to Bao Ruanruan with a calm face that concealed the subtle excitement that only boys could understand.

What exactly happened in those 23 minutes!
She got work points, a village chief card, and now she managed to influence Cheng's rationality?

Bao Ruanruan didn't think she had done anything remarkable, so she thanked him casually, took the small electric fan, turned it on for a moment and handed it back after she had cooled herself down.
However, she noticed a resentful and probing look ahead of her, directed at her.
It was full of questioning and dissatisfaction.

When she raised her head, she met with Lu Wenhao's stern gaze.
"Don't think that no one knows when you've done something wrong, Lu Wenhao is watching you7!"

Bao Ruanruan: "......?"
Looks like trouble is brewing!

Lu Wenhao narrowed his eyes, then quickly turned away.

Useless Bao Ruanruan, only thinking about relying on men. How long did it take to make another man, that Cheng Yao, fall for her this time?
But how did she even have such practical skills like fixing cars?
Was she using it to get close to men?

As Lu Wenhao thought about it, he became increasingly angry.

How could he have such an unreliable and despicable fan?
No, she wasn't his fan.

She had probably been deceiving him all along!

From the moment they met today, she hadn't shown any concern for him.

Lu Wenhao stepped back, feeling like he was stepping on a pile of tinder. The temperature continued to rise, igniting his anger.

Finally, unable to hold back, he stepped forward and lowered his voice.
"If, hmm, I mean if, you were wearing a costume today."
"Would you... cough, still be holding an umbrella like this?"

He glanced subtly at the parasol umbrella above Lian Zhi as he spoke.

Bao Ruanruan: "?"
Of course, if she wore a costume, she wouldn't need an umbrella.
She wouldn't get sunburned.
"I won't...?"

She wouldn't hold the umbrella for Lan Zhi like she did before?
Would she hold it for him instead?
In an instant, the corner of Lu Wenhao's mouth shot up into the sky like fireworks, and the unease in his chest suddenly crashed down like a loose stone.

But he immediately suppressed it, pressing down on the curve of his lips.
Tch, he wouldn't be happy just because of something she would do.
"You don't have to say it, I'm not that interested either."

Bao Ruanruan took a sip of Nongfu Spring to calm her nerves.
This precious one had no idea what had happened.

Soon, the group had lunch and went their separate ways to work in the fields.
Xiao Mengfei went to the pigsty and almost cried inside.

Halfway through, a pig frightened her, making her fall, but she gritted her teeth and didn't switch jobs.
But because her work was slow and of poor quality, she only got half of the work points 'mentioned by her uncle', which was not as much as Cheng Yao, who helped in the kitchen, or Lan Zhi, who picked peaches.

Xiao Mengfei was almost in tears.

On the other hand, Bao Ruanruan was quite content.
After lunch, she didn't rush to earn work points but adhered to the principle of taking a walk after eating to live a long life. She strolled with her hands behind her back along the small footpath in front of their small farmhouse.

She massaged her stomach as she walked.

"Girl, what are you doing?" As she passed a small farmhouse, an old lady happened to come out and see her. She looked at her, knowing she was there to record a show.
The old lady was instantly curious, "Upset stomach?"

Bao Ruanruan shook her head. "This is to help with digestion. You8 know Sun Simiao, right?" She asked.
Historical records show that Sun Simiao lived to be 142 years old and died peacefully.
She envied him so much!
Of course, it could be wrong, but she hoped it was true.
She wanted to live that long, too!

"Ah, 142?!" The old lady knew about him but didn't know he lived that long. "Can rubbing your stomach after meals make you live longer?"

"He has many other health tips, not just this one." Bao Ruanruan was especially good at this.
Once she started, she could talk for two hours without stopping to breathe.
Every night before going to bed, she would study various health knowledge and memorise them effortlessly.
"It's a long story."

Half an hour later, she was strolling along the path, followed by a group of elderly men and women, some not much older than her, around forty or fifty, doing the same thing.
They were all walking while gently massaging their stomachs.

"Girl, am I doing it right?"

Bao Ruanruan glanced, "Use the palm, lighter, hmm."

"Can it really help with digestion? My stomach doesn't feel very good."

"Hey, if you're sick, you should see a doctor immediately. What I'm doing is just a preventative measure. It strengthens the body and improves digestion but can't cure illness."

"OK then. Didn't you just mention something about listening to music while eating?"

"Didn't I just say it stimulates the appetite? Don't interrupt; let the girl continue talking about how to eat, how many times to chew, and so on. Also, about getting up early, saying it can prevent tooth decay. How to do that......"

[Oh my, I've just finished watching Bro Lu planting seedlings, what's going on here?]

[They're still chattering?]

Bao Ruanruan nodded.
She was incredibly friendly to the elderly.

Everyone dreamed of living a long life.
She treated them warmly as if they were her own family!
"Don't rush, one question at a time. Keeping yourself fit is a long journey..."

They talked until three or four o'clock in the afternoon. 
She still had to go to work.
The elderly were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't want her to leave.

"Please don't go, girl."
As people grew older, they began to fear old age and death. 
Everyone wanted to live a little longer and more efficiently.

They loved what Bao Ruanruan said and wanted to hear more. 
They even wanted to take notes after listening!

She was much better than those guests who came to work on the farm and picked fruit.
Those city people who worked in the fields even complained that they would be looked down on!
But for the show's pay, they had to put up with it.

"I really have to go to work, Grandpa, Grandma."

"Oh, it has been over 50 years of openness; why are we still doing work points? It's a miracle that the village chief can come up with this!" 
"Don't worry, I'll give you 50 work points daily."

"Yes, I have 30 points, take them!"

"Well, I have 30 points for feeding chickens and collecting eggs in my backyard. I let my granddaughter do it, but I'll give you the points."

Did she just get over 200 points?
Bao Ruanruan blinked. "This..."
Happiness came too suddenly.

"Then I will continue to deepen our discussion with everyone on how to achieve the dream of living to 142."

[What the hell, is this even possible?]
[D*mn, wanting to see the sun every day... so that's what it means! Is this your dream!?]
[Production Team: MD Sun Room, it's no use, the dream is all messed up!]

[LOL, Xiao Mengfei is still feeding pigs! Talking can give points, too?]
[Bao Ruanruan: I'll take the points!]

After dinner, the guests returned to their cottage to discuss their work points.

"I got 58 points. I should be able to get 100 points tomorrow." Lan Zhi had acted in rural dramas before and was familiar with farm work.
But now that she was older, she couldn't work for long hours, so her score estimation was conservative.

Cheng Yao, 25, was in his prime, but he spent most of his time in a recording studio, so he was basically a hardcore otaku.  
With little muscle in his body, he lacked the strength for farm work and couldn't coordinate his limbs well, so he ended up helping to cook dinner for the five of them.
"I got 30 as compensation for the food, I should get 90 tomorrow."

"I'm aiming for 120 points tomorrow." Lu Wenhao spoke briefly, then glanced at Bao Ruanruan. 
His competitive spirit was at its peak.

Xiao Mengfei gritted her teeth. "I should be able to get 150 tomorrow."
She didn't do well with her work today and almost gave up, but when she thought she might vomit from the pig smell, she persevered for the sake of being number one in front of the cameras.

Lu Wenhao: "? I can also aim for 150 tomorrow!"

Xiao Mengfei: "... is it that hard to get that many points from transplanting rice seedlings?"

"I can!"


Bao Ruanruan had been listening to their conversation the whole time, watching the sparks of a substantial competition between them, and couldn't help but move her chair back a bit.

"Sister Bao, how many points did you get? Don't worry, even if it's only a few, it's okay; we won't laugh at you."
Xiao Mengfei noticed her evasive expression and immediately felt elated.
Did I just win by a landslide?
"Excluding the points for repairing cars, how many points did you get today?"

[^-^ You'll be shocked when you hear it.]
[Xiaoxiao, you better not ask.]
[You'll regret it, you're asking a question you shouldn't have asked.]

[If time could turn back, my girl would probably shut up now.]

But there were no ifs or buts.

In front of the camera, Bao Ruanruan thought it was a very normal question and generously recalled it.
She took them out of her pocket—a thick stack of work point cards stamped by the production team and signed by the villagers.

The stack of cards was very thick.
Extremely thick.

The total amount was double that of the other four people.


Xiao Mengfei was dumbfounded, "What is this?"

"Don't worry, let me do some calculations first."


[Ha ha ha!]
[D*mn it!]

[D*mn, doesn't the production team pay any attention to her?]

The production team also wanted to take control of the situation but could not do so.

Today, Bao Ruanruan had been walking around and sharing her health tips with 18 grandpas and grandmas, earning 510 points from them. 
She could directly exchange the points for her dream sunroom.

The production team, feeling helpless, tried to reduce her points forcefully. However, the elderly residents strongly objected.

"Even walking is labour. I've packed this soil so firmly, isn't that labour?"

"Ah, patrolling the area used to be done by the village security officer, with a high salary."

"Talking to the masses, isn't that also the village chief's job? What? Are you saying that the village chief does nothing all day?"

In the end, the production team could only cut Bao Ruanruan's score in half. 
But even after the cut, she still had over 250 points. 
It was... quite a helpless situation.

Director Zheng Mingchang felt like passing out, but it wasn't appropriate.

However, the others in the cottage really couldn't stand it.
Lan Zhi and Cheng Yao were fine; they weren't aiming for first place anyway. They were even happier to see that someone else was in the lead.

But Lu Wenhao and Xiao Mengfei were genuinely speechless. It was just like how speechlessness opened the door for its mother to enter, leaving the house filled with speechlessness9.
"What have you done?"

"Well, probably just spreading some knowledge."


By nightfall, everyone had paid their rent and food money, a total of 60 work points.

Except for Bao Ruanruan, the others had little left in their treasury.
Lu Wen Hao wanted to use the Wi-Fi at night to play a game, while Xiao Meng Fei wanted to watch the latest romance drama, but they were charged a hefty 20 work points for Wi-Fi.

"Getting away from the Internet and phones is one of the original intentions of our 'With Dreams As Horses, Head Towards A Distant Place'."


Bao Ruanruan, who always slept at 10 to maintain her health, happened to be passing by with a foot basin.

"Can we borrow some points from a teammate then?" Xiao Mengfei's eyes lit up when she saw her.

Bao Ruanruan stopped when she heard this. She did have points
However, she silently turned around and walked back to her room.

Xiao Mengfei glared at her back. 
Lu Wenhao didn't show much emotion; after all, he wasn't a man who relied on women!

But just as the two of them were getting depressed, Bao Ruanruan returned.
She was holding a pile of white papers in her hands.
She then handed them to the two people.

"This is for you."
"Now, one sheet is worth 30 work points. How many sheets do you want? I'll exchange with you in work points."

In front of the camera, Lu Wenhao raised an eyebrow.

All he had to do was exchange a piece of paper for her 30 work points?  
Wasn't this indirectly giving him points?

To some extent, they were still swayed by his perfect appearance.
Yes, he was a little more handsome than his older brother.

But she didn't have to. 
He wouldn't fall for her trick again. He would not let himself be fooled by her sugar-coated words.


Lu Wenhao's expression remained serious, but his hand involuntarily reached out to take it.
"Just one sheet."

D*mn, his mouth and hands must have surely been taken over by the Honour of Kings!
Lu Wenhao's eyebrows twitched.

"Alright." Bao Ruanruan handed him a work point card, "Thank you for your patronage."

Lu Wenhao took it and immediately exchanged it for Wi-Fi. 
As for the waste paper in his hand, he turned to throw it away but unconsciously looked down.

But he found that the paper was not completely white, but had big words on it: 'Life-saving Talisman'!



"What is this?" Xiao Mengfei noticed the same thing.

Bao Ruanruan flipped over a copy of the papers she had given tLu Wenhao and proudly raised her head.
Her small face lit up as she read aloud.

"Life-saving talisman for Bao Ruanruan: In Bao Ruanruan's moment of crisis, Lu Wenhao is willing to unconditionally help her through the difficulty once and cannot harm her within three days."

Lu Wenhao: "!"

Xiao Mengfei: "!"

[Pff pff pff pff!]
[Wait, what does 'harm her' mean? My bro Lu's reputation is at stake hhhh] 
[Bro Lu is really miserable, remember the family grievances at the Daming lakeside?]

[Lu Wenhao: I was too careless.]

[From now on, treat enemies kindly, d*mn, even though it's inhumane, sorry, I still laughed out loud!] 
[Bao Ruanruan, how can you be so funny?] 
[Help, I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe!]

"Wait, I don't want this!"

"Once sold, no returns or exchanges allowed. Good night."

What good night.
He really was so angry that he could lose sleep!
Lu Wenhao never thought that a king would make him pay such a painful price.

Indeed, as his father had said, a real man should not indulge in external things.

Is it time to quit gaming?

Lu Wenhao couldn't sleep that night.

"How is it? Did Xiao Hao have a conflict with Bao Ruanruan in that variety show?"
Inside the Lu Corporation.
During a break in the meeting, Lu Wenyao gestured with his hand as he asked his assistant.

The show was broadcast live, and he didn't have time to watch it.
But he thought that with his little brother's temperament, there should be some conflict, which would make it quite exciting.
He could have the assistant record the argument to show his father.

"No, President. The Second Young Master had no conflict with her; they got along peacefully."

Lu Wenyao was surprised.

"The Second Young Master even promised to protect her once."

Lu Wenyao: "???"

He had considered his little brother to be not very bright, but he had never imagined he was this stupid!


"I didn't expect that either."

On the other side, Bao Ruanruan spread out her small hands as soon as she got into the nanny car and saw the dog agent, Xue Jing.

"Even I was surprised at how many work points I've earned."
"I asked the production team if I could take a break after finishing the sunroom while watching them work on it, but they didn't answer my question, sigh."

Bao Ruanruan felt a bit sad.

Chen Feng: "......"
"Do you know, is it life-threatening to be a humblebrag these days?"

Bao Ruanruan was shocked.
"I'm not, I didn't, you can't say that."
"I'm actually very low-key, currently ranked fifth in points."

Xue Jing was sitting quietly in the back seat, his peach-blossom eyes twitching as he looked at the PAD in his hand.
Indeed, she was not the one in the first position.

However, she had recruited the four guests in a 'low-key' manner, with each receiving a life-saving talisman that promised to help her when she was in trouble... thus, forcing her work point accumulation into fifth place.

She was truly capable.

He glanced at the rosy, soft face of Bao Ruanruan.
Her skin was clear and watery as if soaked in milk, and, even without make-up, it radiated a bright light.

While others might have suffered at the summer camps, becoming darker and thinner, she seemed more nourished.

Xue Jing looked at her with interest.

He seemed to have picked up... a treasure.

"There's a new job," Xue Jing moved his index finger and crossed his legs lazily, "a variety show modelling competition."

"Huh?" Bao Ruanruan stopped drinking water.

"You are not tall enough, so you are not very suitable for the model competition, but you can spark discussions. Controversy will bring traffic."

Xue Jing looked into her bright and lively eyes.

...and he also wanted to know what other secret skills she had.

Huangtai knew nothing about her abilities.

And someone like him, such an excellent and perfect agent, understood how to unearth an artist's potential and qualities and then tailor a plan accordingly.

Xue Jing chuckled, a glimmer of sunlight reflected in his peach blossom eyes. "I have no requirements for you. Just go with the flow."

"But I'm not OK with that."

"?" Xue Jing raised his eyebrows.

"What about the medical check-up we talked about? Whose agent is such a big liar? Mine."


"Chen Feng, take her... to the medical check-up tomorrow."

In a second, Bao Ruanruan smiled with satisfaction.

The next day, she solemnly completed the medical check-up and chatted with some older, more experienced doctors for a while. After she had confirmed that everything else was fine, except for her blood and urine tests, which still had to be analysed, her mood soared.

Three days later, she went to the recording studio for the modelling competition.

At first, she wanted to obediently fulfil her agent's 'wish'.
Just go with the flow and leave the show quickly.

But unexpectedly, not long after she entered, the staff joyfully shook her hand, "Congratulations, you made it to the next round."

Bao Ruanruan: "??"
Is your modelling circle this casual?

Footnotes Full List
  1. the writer of this comment was referring to the Japanese word そうか (Sō ka), which means 'I see', 'Is that so?'. I guess they heard it as soga rather than sō ka.)
  2. A new Chinese meme, a weird pronunciation for the word Gege (elder brother), made famous by this lady:
  3. fig. to curry favour with someone in a position of power or authority
  4. I don't know if this was the meme the author was referring to, but this meme came up when I searched for 老人看手机JPG。
  5. stands for 哈哈哈 (hāhāhā), the Chinese equivalent of 'Laughing Out Loud'- Pandanese
  6. bonus
  7. He literally spoke in English here.
  8. Bao Ruanruan used the word 您 (nín), the polite/formal version for 'you', as opposed to the informal 你 () when talking to the elderly.
  9. The idiom is often used to describe a situation where someone is so surprised, shocked, or frustrated that they are literally speechless. It can also be used to describe a situation where someone is so overwhelmed with emotion that they can't even think straight.

きつね's Musing

Sorry~! I have been distracted for the last 2 weeks. I was somehow lured by the Chinese mini-series. Who would have thought there would be so many interesting Chinese mini-series. 😅 Starting with this drama:


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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7 Aug 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 547, 548, 549 & 550. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊