DBAFSC Ch 18 : I Managed To Survive Another Day (3)

The five guests were all on the bus, along with a photographer and assistant director.

Other crew members, including Director Zheng Mingchang, were in another van at the back.

Holding an umbrella, Bao Ruanruan linked arms with Lan Zhi, the veteran actress, and boarded the bus together.

Lan Zhi didn't act like a senior, but everyone still looked up to her. The bus had 49 seats, plenty of space, and everyone let Lan Zhi choose first.

Lan Zhi smiled, reached out and patted Bao Ruanruan, who had been holding the umbrella for her all the way, "You sit with me."

Xiao Mengfei held back, not wanting to lose his composure in front of the camera.

Lan Zhi was a seasoned veteran, experienced in being in front of the camera and adept at creating a 'focus' that made the cameraman want to film her.
She was the most popular among ordinary people and had the widest audience, with many viewers born in the 60s and 2000s watching her TV dramas. Therefore, the production team would definitely give her more opportunities to be in shots.

At times like this, whoever was closer to her would benefit.

Xiao Mengfei looked at Bao Ruanruan, stuck next to Lan Zhi, feeling regretful.
If she had known, she would have held an umbrella for Lan Zhi as well.
Why did she have to be the one to suffer?

"Let's sit in the front; don't crowd in the back."
Lan Zhi said as she stood on the bus and chose the seat behind the driver.

Bao Ruanruan's fair face fell as soon as she heard this.

All she cared about was safety.

Their lives depended entirely on this vehicle for such a long journey.
49 seats might seem the same, but the risk factors behind them were completely different.

In the game, she had died 294 times from choosing the wrong seat on the bus. Once, she was stuck after an accident, where she was pierced by shattered window glass and found it difficult to escape as she died on the spot.

The nightmarish experiences were still vivid in her mind.
Bao Ruanruan shuddered at the thought.

As she watched Lan Zhi drag her further and further away from her 'dream seat', Bao Ruanruan's expression was filled with pain, as if she had lost a lover.

Just as Lan Zhi was about to sit down, she turned her head and smiled, "What? Do you want to sit with the Lu kid?"
As she sat in the front, the others all went to the back and chose their seats as well.
"Then go ahead; you'll be more relaxed with someone you know."

Bao Ruanruan's expression stiffened, "We're not that familiar."

Lu Wenhao, who was a few rows away: "..."
If looks could kill, Bao Ruanruan would have died on the spot.

[I'm starting to feel sorry for Lu Wenhao!]

[The sequel to Island Restaurant is finally airing! Does anyone in the front row want some sunflower seeds?]

[I'll take a packet of salted egg yolk-flavoured sunflower seeds]
[I'll have a bottle of peach-flavoured soda.]


In front of the camera, Lu Wenhao's blackened face and disdainful look at Bao Ruanruan made the audience find it extremely amusing.

"What, am I wrong?" Lan Zhi's long eyes curved into a smile. After years of polishing, all that was left on her face was the charm, without many vicissitudes, and she looked very young.

Before she appeared on the show, someone had specifically informed Lan Zhi about the situations of several guests.
She was particularly aware of the recent scandals involving Bao Ruanruan and her involvement with the Lu family.

"If you want to talk to him, go ahead," Lan Zhi waved her hand.

"No, I don't want to."
Bao Ruanruan finally spoke up as the bus was about to start.
"Sis, I just have my eye on Lu Wenhao's..."

Lu Wenhao: "?"

[Wait! Don't you like his brother?!]

"...seat, the one behind him," Bao Ruanruan swallowed her saliva.

She was still catching her breath.

Lan Zhi was taken aback, finding it both amusing and perplexing, "You have your eyes on the seat?"

Bao Ruanruan hummed in agreement as she explained very seriously,
"In a long-distance bus, the safest seat is the middle seat in the middle row, where the likelihood of being seriously injured in an accident is the lowest. This is because, in the event of a collision, only the seats around the middle position have no solid objects in the cabin that can cause crushing or piercing injuries to the human body."



As she spoke, the camera also captured the view of the entire bus in the frame.

"In the last row, there is a metal wall behind the seat and a large area of glass window close to the passengers. In the event of a collision, if it shatters..."

Sitting there, Xiao Mengfei, who was easily captured by the camera, exclaimed, "!!"
She felt a chill down her spine.

"Sitting in the front row..."
The camera angle shifted.

[D*mn, the front really is the most dangerous!?]

"The position behind the driver is the second safest area."

[Phew, I've heard that too, the driver will turn the steering wheel to the side that protects him in case of a collision out of self-protection, so the co-pilot, including the co-pilot's back row area, is relatively dangerous.]

As Bao Ruanruan spoke, she grew more passionate, the fire in her watery eyes flickering brighter.
"...There's also a window breaker in the middle, so in case of an emergency, we can still escape in time...Sister Lan, the middle seat is still empty. Shall we sit in the back?"

Lan Zhi: "...That works too."
If she did not change seats, she would always feel uneasy.

Bao Ruanruan was delighted now, and the way Lan Zhi looked at her seemed genuinely warmer.

With her bag in her hand, she walked to the seat behind the stern-looking Lu Wenhao.

"So, I picked the best seat, didn't I?" Lu Wenhao sneered at her.
What excuse would she find now?

She always found ways to get close to him.
She had been like that from the beginning, from the mascot onwards, showering him with all kinds of sweet nothings!

"Out of 49 seats, is mine the safest?"


Bao Ruanruan lifted her watery eyes and sighed after a single glance, "Not really."

Lu Wenhao raised an eyebrow.

"If you don't wear a seat belt, no matter where you sit, the result will still be the same—you'll be the first to die."🦊

Lu Wenhao's mouth twitched for a moment.

[I'm dying of laughter, what should I do? Bao Ruanruan, please don't become a scandalous artist! I love her too much, she will kill me with laughter.]

[Hahaha, bro, sorry for laughing, hurry and buckle up!]
[Honestly, I could watch them banter for a hundred episodes, why is it so entertaining?]

[So cute seeing my brother lose.]
[I used to be on my brother's side, not liking Bao Ruanruan. But... thank you Miss Bao for saving my brother time and time again, and this time reminding my brother to buckle up~]

Lan Zhi was seated across the aisle from Bao Ruanruan per her arrangements.
They both sat near the aisle, not near the windows.

The barrage of comments was filled with 'learn something new', 'increase useful knowledge', and 'when doing homework, you can always trust Bao Ruanruan'.

"Has everyone had breakfast? I brought chocolate and potato chips."
The bus started to move.
Xiao Mengfei took the opportunity to distribute snacks to move to a middle-row seat.

She thought her manager's idea was a great way to attract fans.

Snacks were a must-have for outings.
Eating and drinking together when unfamiliar with each other often helped to build relationships.

[Xiao Xiaozi is a master of social interaction.]
[Xiao Xiaozi helps me with my social anxiety again, I'll do the same next time.]

Xiao Mengfei handed the snacks to Lan Zhi first, unable to bypass Bao Ruanruan.
She had to suppress a slight discomfort in her heart and smiled as she also handed the potato chips to Bao Ruanruan.

But as soon as Bao Ruanruan saw them, she felt like screaming for help.
Potato chips for breakfast? Chocolate?
Do you think you don't have a fatty liver or your blood lipids aren't high enough?

"Thank you. I brought my own breakfast."
Bao Ruanruan shook her head politely.
"I suggest you don't overeat them either."

Xiao Mengfei thought she had misheard.

But Bao Ruanruan quickly took out three fresh-keeping boxes from her hiking backpack——————and opened them.

Corn slices, boiled eggs.
Grilled sausages with a little Lao Gan Ma chilli sauce.
Fresh strawberries and grapes.

In addition, she took out oat milk.
"A good breakfast is the key to living a long life."

Xiao Mengfei: "!"

"Xiao Bao, that's good. For actresses, maintaining a good figure is a professional ethic."
Lan Zhi commented from across the aisle.

Sun protection and a light diet were things that Lan Zhi had been insisting on for many years.
Instantly, the distance between them shrank.

"Before I came to the show, I told the director that I didn't have any other demands, other than, firstly, not to get sunburned and, secondly, to eat well and healthily, no greasy food."

"After all, even though we are doing this variety show, our main identity is still that of actors. If I gain and lose weight and get tanned and pale, it will ruin my future role interpretation."

Lan Zhi took a sip of mineral water.

Xiao Mengfei, who was about to hand her a soda, stopped awkwardly in mid-air.

Bao Ruanruan nodded, not forgetting to ask 'the 0.5 high-level medical check-up'.
Turning to Xiao Mengfei, she asked, "I brought an extra oat milk. Would you like some?"

Xiao Mengfei gritted her teeth and finally accepted it with a forced smile for the camera.

[D*mn, I can't stop laughing, is Taobao having another sale, or is it still buy one get one free?]
[What is oat milk?]

[I've tried it, it's great for people with lactose intolerance. But if you can drink milk, forget it, it tastes a bit weird.]

[Oh, I can't drink milk or soy milk! D*mn, I'll check it out on Taobao!]

[Why did Bao Ruanruan tear off the label, d*mn it, I want to buy the same one as her!]
[I found one with a similar bottle. LOL, 20 yuan off for a purchase of 100 yuan, hurry up if you want it, the sale ends today.]

The bullet comments were full of joy, like the scene of people picking vegetables and finding bargains at a farmer's market.
Even Director Zheng Mingchang, in the car behind, couldn't help but express his confusion.

Who had ever made a variety show that looked like a live broadcast of a big store selling goods?
Zheng Mingchang was depressed.

However, a new message arrived on the phone in his hand.
Three new business companies wanted to sponsortheir variety showand advertise in it.
Tian brand umbrellas and sleeping bags.
Bao brand oat milk.

She really is like a mascot.
He would give her more money again!

Zheng Mingchang grinned, "When we get there, call Bao Ruanruan over to shoot short promotional videos."

The bus travelled smoothly.

Many people started to feel drowsy.

Lu Wenhao's eyelids were heavy, but he heard the small chewing sound from the back seat, which sounded very enjoyable.
He had eaten a piece of bread in a hurry before leaving at four o'clock, and now... he was starving.
Just as he was thinking about it, there came a delightful sucking sound from behind.

Lu Wenhao: "..."
He couldn't resist, so he opened the packet of chips given by Xiao Mengfei and started eating.
Xiao Mengfei was also quietly munching on her chips.

After a while, they both frowned.

Since they had to stay in shape, they were not allowed to eat these high-fat, high-sodium foods.
Although their mouths were now satisfied, the reality was that they would have to do an extra two hours of fat-burning exercise today to burn off those calories.

They didn't know until what time this slow variety show would be recorded.
If it lasted until eleven or midnight, they would have to train until the early morning hours.
Thinking of this, the delicious chips on their tongues suddenly felt heavy and not at all appetising.

However, Bao Ruanruan happily enjoyed herself and felt very good.
She sat in the middle seat, not too close or far from the roof's air conditioning, which was neither too cold nor gave her a headache.
She could gazeat the sceneryout of the window and leisurely eat her bento box breakfast.

She was extremely relaxed as she chewed slowly, taking 25 chews per bite before swallowing.
She alternated between her left and right molars, spreading the load evenly so that each large tooth could work without overloading.

With this meal, she had ingested the necessary nutrients for the body, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, sodium... all in place.

What she ate was not just breakfast, but every bite was healthy.
They were all energetic vitality, the energy for her to carry on.

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at xin-shou.site. If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

Bao Ruanruan was delighted.
She closed her eyes slightly.
Sunlight streamed through the gauze curtain of the bus window, casting a bright light on her small face.

In the camera, her flawless side profile, as smooth and white as solidified fat, held an indescribable sense of satisfaction and holiness.

Her pink lips were utterly free of lipstick, and she nibbled at the corn in small bites, her tiny white cheeks puffing up on both sides from time to time like a little hamster.

She chewed quickly and densely.

But she cherished it so much that she didn't even waste the few shrivelled corn kernels at the edge of the corn root and ate them all clean.

Her happiness was beyond measure.

[Have I entered the wrong live stream? Isn't this a variety show?]
The audience, who had just come in, were completely stunned.

[I rushed in excitedly, cursed and went out, saw the live stream title, my God, I wasn't wrong, I came back in, confused.]

[Hahaha, welcome to Bao Ruanruan's unique eating broadcast room.]
[Looking at her like this, she really enjoys it and likes to be very healthy.]

[Don't say it; the way she eats is exactly the same as my dad's. ps: My dad is an old Chinese medicine doctor.]

[I'm eating with her, and the steamed bun in my hand seems more fragrant! Who knows the kind of aroma that's very nourishing with every bite?]
[I know! The feeling she gave when she gnawed the corn was like eating the peaches of the Queen Mother of the West.]

[It really is.]

The camera panned to Lu Wenhao in the front seat and then to Xiao Mengfei.
The eating style being streamed changed dramatically.

The more the two chewed the potato chips, the more sad and serious their expressions became.

[emmm...... Those potato chips seem to be very unappetising?]

[Suddenly, the century egg congee📹 in my mouth doesn't taste like one.]

[Ss, sorry Xiao Xiaozi. @Director, can you cut back and continue watching Bao Ruanruan, I still have a bite of steamed bun, let me finish it with Bao Ruanruan's live stream!]

[Bao Ruanruan = Lao Gan Ma, who would have thought?]

Everyone finished their meals in silence.

The bus also arrived at the rest stop, where they could buy snacks and go to the bathroom.
But some guests were not very interested, as they had fallen asleep.

Only Bao Ruanruan got off the bus to exercise her neck after looking at the time.

She did some chest stretches and walked around in a circle twice.
She got back on the bus just in time.

"Teachers, what is your dream for the show?"

The staff began to ask questions as Bao Ruanruan sat down.
[Wow, that question is right in line with the title of the show, 'With Dreams As Horses'!]
[Finally... I almost forgot why they were here for!]
[Looking forward to Sis Lan~]

[Open for business, Xiao Xiaozi!]
[Curious! What is my brother's dream?]

The guests had just woken up but weren't stunned by this question.

"There is no end to the performing arts. I want to reach more people and reach the next peak," Lan Zhi answered sincerely, facing the camera.

"To explore rural life, to create unique, independent music."
"To find a better version of myself, to present a superior stage."

"To prove that I can rely on myself, to strive for a path and create works that are uniquely mine."
They were prepared for what their dreams were.

But when it came to Bao Ruanruan, she simply took out a small pillow and prepared to put it behind her head to catch up on sleep.
The camera caught her off guard.

Her jet-black hair was puffed up quite a bit.

Her moistened face was all pink.
"Me? I just want to see the sun every morning~"

The staff was stunned.

Comments like 'Brother is working so hard', 'Sister is so persistent', and 'Sister's dream will surely come true' that had flooded the screen suddenly stopped.

[The style suddenly changed.]
[Quite artistic.]
[Haha, artistic? Don't be silly, haven't you noticed? Everyone else wants to advance their careers, but she only wants to see the sun—indeed a solid 'love brain' character with no ambition!]

[Ah, what a shame!]
[All right, leave the circle then, stay home and watch the sun every day~ satisfy yourself!]

Just one sentence from Bao Ruanruan caused a backlash in the comments.
But she was only thinking of herself in the game, dying repeatedly on different levels.
Like Super Mario, when you ran out of lives, you had to start all over again.

Her agony wasn't just the torment of death but the fate of being stuck in the game again and again, unable to move forward.

She desperately wanted to see the sun the next day.
But she couldn't. As long as there were players, she was just a controlled character.

Only during game maintenance or upgrades, when players could not log in, did she get a brief moment of peace and rest.

To watch the sunrise as she wished.
Or to see the next day's sunrise.
Both were a coveted luxury that she had never had before.

Bao Ruanruan looked at the sunlight outside the car window, pain swirling in her watery eyes. She struggled before a flash of light passed by.

Fortunately, the man who had cleared the game had saved her.

From the moment she left the game, she was no longer trapped within it, and every day after that, she could see the next day's sunrise.

She couldn't help but sniff gratefully.

I really want to find him.

As the camera turned, her fair little face appeared in the centre of the screen, filled with insults.

Clear and transparent, watery eyes, slightly watery with tears that did not roll down... her delicate face, fragile enough to break at the slightest touch, visibly fragile.
But she greeted the rising sun with brimming hope and gratitude, full of fresh energy.
Like a water lily in summer, she slowly blossomed inside the bus.
Delicate yet breathtaking, graceful and exquisite.
The rolling tears, like dew from the sky.
Heartbreaking yet resilient.

The overwhelming doubts and criticisms of her lack of effort suddenly faded away.

[Sigh. Did I make her cry with my scolding?]
[Don't cry, I... was just talking nonsense...]
[Suddenly feeling a bit sorry, what's going on?]

Another faint voice gradually grew louder.

[Wants to see the sun, was her past life really in deep darkness?]

[A beauty smiling through tears — ah, is she acting for sympathy!?]
[Drama Queen +1]

[For those who say she's acting, let me tell you she's not! I've seen her previous dramas, and they were terrible! Worse than the teenage actors she shared the screen with! If she had even 30% of her expression when she looked at the sun, I would have been captivated by her!]

[Ah, I hate it! Sister, with such a poignant and robust expression, why didn't you use it in your acting earlier? Why were you so clueless on the set! I hate it, I hate it, I really hate it! If you had shown some spirit earlier, I wouldn't have stopped being your fan!]

[Eh, so this is her true nature?]

[Aren't you guys thinking too much? She's just pretending to be innocent!]

Bao Ruanruan rubbed her eyes and returned to normal.

After tidying up, she prepared to take another nap on the bus.

Not to mention that this job was pretty laid-back, it also paid her well.
She felt a little guilty thinking about it.

But suddenly, the chair behind her bottom vibrated with a squeak.

A strong smell of oil came from the rear of the bus.
As if it had lost power, the bus creaked to a halt.

Bao Ruanruan: "?"
Is this the level of the Empress Card?
Sure enough, it was not good to be superstitious. The twenty-four character mantra of socialism was still the most effective.

The director's assistant, a young girl in sunglasses, stood up.
"Ladies and gentlemen, there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Did the bus break down?" Lan Zhi, who was past the age of joking, continued, "Are we just going to stop here in this big suburb?"

After a rest stop, they were well out of Jiangcheng and heading for their destination, Hengshan Scenic Area. But this scenic area was undeveloped, and the road they'd been driving on had gradually become dilapidated and uneven.

The surrounding landscape had also changed from modern buildings to open farmland, and then to desolation.

"Yes, the bad news is that our bus is having some problems." The assistant spread her hands helplessly.

Lu Wenhao rolled his eyes. Xiao Mengfei widened her watery eyes and asked, "How far are we from our destination?"

"Not very far, about 7 kilometres, closer to the repair point."

Cheng Yao, who had been listening to music the whole time and not taking part in the conversation, took off his headphones. "The good news you mentioned, does it involve us getting off the bus and walking there?"

As soon as this was said, the faces of the guests on the bus changed.

On a normal day, that would be fine, but today, they all had luggage with them.
Even the lightest of them, Cheng Yao, had a small suitcase.
Actresses like Xiao Mengfei and Lan Zhi carried larger ones, which contained not only two or three sets of styling clothes each day but also daily make-up, masks, nourishing collagen, bird's nest, and so on.

With this packing, the suitcase weighed as much as men would despise, and low-cost airlines would charge extra for checked baggage. It easily exceeded 20kg, heavier than two sacks of rice.

They looked outside—the road was not very smooth, and the suitcases might not be able to be dragged all the way.

And on a hot August day, outside the car was like an oven, with the sun showing no mercy.
Both sides of the road were open, with no buildings or trees to provide shade.

Walking seven kilometres would make people sweat heavily, and dragging a suitcase would be like going through a tough summer camp.
What a way to use your dream as a horse!
They even had to live their dream life a hundred thousand miles away!

But the director's assistant, the young girl, shyly pushed her glasses and shamelessly said,
"Life is full of surprises."

"Some will become opportunities, and some will become regrets."

"Today, let's start our show with the regrettable damage of this bus as the starting point."

[D*mn, planned breakdown?]
[This show is great! It's entertaining!]

"Five teachers, you have just been talking about your dreams. Then use your dreams to find ways to overcome mishaps, change the regrets, and turn them into beautiful memories."

[?? I didn't get that at all.]
[It means they'll have to go through challenges on their own, like how the Eight Immortals crossed the sea📹, and the production team won't be in charge of it.]

[Haha, interesting.]
[Bro Luo just said something about not relying on his family, haha, let's see how you handle it!]

On the camera, Lu Wenhao looked very embarrassed.
His face immediately turned red.

That was right. Just a moment ago, he spoke about his dream, boasting about wanting to reach the top without relying on his family.

But now that the bus was broken, what could he do?
Should he put on an energetic boy group dance performance on his own by doing some locking dance moves, or find an experienced driver to take him to the filming location in Hengshan?

His independent boy persona was about to collapse.
What he meant by not relying on his family was pursuing his music dream, not dealing with trivial matters like a broken-down bus!

He shut his mouth and tried to copy a standard answer online.

He observed the singer, Cheng Yao.
A helpless Cheng Yao could only smile bitterly into the camera, "I'll call for a tow truck first, then order a new bus."
"While waiting for the tow truck, I can compose a song about mishaps. Slow living is also a kind of fun."

[Wow, Bro Yao is so strong, he did mention that he came to the show to experience life, hoping for more inspiring collisions!]
[That's the charm of outstanding people.]
[Inspiration comes from life, thanks to the production team for giving my brother a new experience~]

Lu Wenhao frowned in front of the camera.
He wasn't a singer, so he couldn't copy that answer.
Meanwhile, the two women next to him also start to respond.

Lan Zhi was indeed an experienced actress: "Then I'll wait in the bus, while observing passing vehicles and pedestrians, seeing their different living conditions. Since I can't play with my phone and I'm trapped in one place, it's been a long time since I've had such a quiet space to contemplate."

"It fits with my dream of coming here, which is to observe more people."

[No wonder my sister plays every role so convincingly!]
[Help, I'm once again won over by my sister, such a clever actress.]

Both made good points.
The third to speak, Xiao Mengfei, smiled sweetly.
"I want more people to see my stage, emmm, I can take this opportunity to go to the nearby open space and dance a few routines. Please have the staff record it."
"The tips I get will be donated to impoverished families in this area."

[Wow, you are too kind, girl.]
[I just want to change trains to go to Hengshan quickly, but my girl wants to dance to help others. Wow, my girl is too kind.]
[Girl, I love you so much!]

After Xiao Mengfei finished speaking, she looked at Lu Wenhao, who was busy searching for an 'answer' online. "Teacher Lu, would you like to join me? Teacher Lu is a better dancer than me. We should be able to raise more donations together."

Lu Wenhao breathed a sigh of relief. Although he felt like he was losing his face dancing on the main road, it was still something he could do.

[Wow, I can actually see my brother's stage in a variety show! Great!]
[Finding joy in career success, you guys will never understand.]

Everyone was ready.

Only Bao Ruanruan looked confused when she saw everyone's enthusiasm.
She looked at the time; it was already 11 o'clock.

"Excuse me, where are we going to have lunch?"

The director's assistant looked apologetic. "Teacher Bao, lunch may be a little late. We have arranged to have lunch at the destination, Hengshan Village."

Bao Ruanruan's fair face instantly fell.
How much later is 'a little late'?

The assistant smiled wryly. "A new bus will be sent from the nearby station; it will probably arrive one or two hours later."

Bao Ruanruan was seriously upset.

[D*mn! Truly a little white flower3 persona, fragile and delicate, are you hungry again??]
[You just had breakfast just two hours ago; has it already been digested?]

[I give up, thankfully, my girl is career-oriented.]
[There's always a reason to be popular!]
[Being a little white flower is already enough for her!]

Others had already started their activities.
Lan Zhi was observing passers-by at the window, taking notes with her mobile phone.

Cheng Yao was pacing back and forth inside the bus with headphones on, humming songs and occasionally returning to his seat to work on his laptop.

Lu Wenhao and Xiao Mengfei got off the bus and went to the desolate grassland to dance passionately.

Everyone was working hard.

Only Bao Ruanruan was lost in sadness.

Her health routine always included lunch at around 12 o'clock.
No matter how busy she was, it couldn't be later than 1 o'clock.

Irregular routines and excessive hunger were both bad for the stomach.
If one did not pay attention to it for a day or two, it would become a habit, leading to a loss of gastric function, indigestion, and difficulty in absorbing nutrients.

Eventually, the body would become weak.
Many serious illnesses take advantage of this vulnerability.


Bao Ruanruan touched her forehead as she looked out of the window and saw the two people sweating under the sun after dancing for a while.
She didn't understand their action and was greatly shocked.

She thought of the dangers she had faced in the life simulation games, how she had been trapped in a desert instance on the set bus, and how she had died 134 times before she had mastered the skill...

Slowly, she stretched out her beautiful hand from her seat on the bus.

"Do we have a toolbox? I'll go down and have a look."

Staff: "?"
[What are you going to see down there? Are you going to look at the sun, little white flower?]

Footnotes Full List
  1. When someone posted something and the others who saw it don't know what to say or comment but still want to say something, they would put "沙发(shā fā - the sofa or couch)" "板凳(bǎn dèng- the chair)" "地板(dì bǎn - the floor)" "地下室(dì xià shì - the basement)" and so on as comments. That is like you treat that post as a show or something like that, and people would soon come and watch, so you'd like to keep a seat. The first one would say "沙发(shā fā - the sofa or couch)" which is the most comfortable seat as if he's got the best seat because he is the first one to come and choose. Then the second guy could only take "板凳(bǎn dèng- the chair)" as the second most comfortable seat. Then the third guy could only sit on the floor... and so on.. - Sarah Shuting Cheung @ Quora
  2. It can also be used to describe usually a young woman who is delicate and charming on the outside but vicious and scheming on the inside - AuntieLuga @ Hinative


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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7 Aug 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 547, 548, 549 & 550. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊