ROHYX Chapter 543 : Domestic Strife

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Han Jianming followed Qiu Shi into the inner room and instructed all the old women servants and maids to withdraw. He told Qiu Shi he intended to send Lu Xiu to Yu City.

Qiu Shi said, "Have you thought of a proper solution?" She had agreed to this matter but was concerned about the lack of a valid reason. She was afraid of arousing suspicion, so nothing had been done so far. Not to mention before, now that the Emperor had issued an Imperial Decree for the families of military officers above the third rank to return to the capital, it would be even more conspicuous if Lu Xiu went to Yu City instead.

Han Jianming nodded. "I will write a letter to Yuxi, asking Jianye to pretend to be seriously injured. When the time comes, Lu Xiu can take her children to visit the Northwest." Once they arrived in Yu City, it would be Yun Qing and Yuxi's domain, and they would not need to worry anymore.

Qiu Shi's prayer beads spun rapidly in her hand. After a while, she asked, "Has the situation become that dangerous?"

Han Jianming nodded. "Marshal Yan's youngest son, Yan Wushuang, is still alive. This time, Marshal Tong Chunlin of Liaodong was assassinated by him. Mother, Yan Wushuang is extremely clever. After lying low for more than ten years, now that he has made a move, it is bound to stir up a great storm."

Qiu Shi was very surprised and questioned, "But wasn't it said that the whole Yan family had perished?" The Song family did not even spare Yun Qing; how could they just let the Yan family go?

Han Jianming shook his head. "Yan Wushuang survived and has been hiding in Liaodong all this time." It had to be admitted that Yan Wushuang was also a talent; surviving in such a dangerous environment and even building up a considerable force.

Qiu Shi recalled the rumours she had heard before and asked, "Is it true that Marshal Yan's death and the fall of Tong City are all related to the Song family?"

Han Jianming fell silent for a moment before replying, "It was the Song family colluding with the Donghu people, and the current Emperor was also involved."

Qiu Shi rose from her chair in shock as she exclaimed, "What did you say? The Song family colluded with the Donghu people, and the current Emperor was also involved?" Seeing Han Jianming nod, Qiu Shi sat back down and cursed, "These people deserve to go to the eighteenth level of hell. The Tong City incident caused the death and injury of tens of thousands of people. With such sins, even the eighteenth level of hell would be too good for them."

Han Jianming said, "Mother, my letter has been monitored, so it is best for you to be the one to discuss this with Yuxi." He feared that Yan Wushuang, driven by hatred, would conspire with the Donghu people and lead his troops to attack the capital. By then, he would surely aim to kill the Emperor and the Song family, causing chaos in the capital. Of course, this was the worst-case scenario that Han Jianming had prepared for.🦊

Qiu Shi took a deep breath and said, "Alright, I'll write it now." Yu City had at least a hundred thousand troops, which was safer than the capital.

The next day, Ye Shi personally delivered the items to the Jing Wangfu2. Ye Shi told Yuchen: "Mother originally prepared more than ten boxes. The Duke said the journey was long, and it would be inconvenient to carry too much, so it was reduced to these few boxes."

Yuchen smiled. "The Northwest is relatively peaceful these days. It's okay to send more things. I have also prepared more than ten boxes of items for Yuxi and Zaozao." She had considered the lack of peace along this route before, so she didn't send much to the Northwest, just some light gifts.🦊

Ye Shi felt a bit strange when she heard Yuchen affectionately call Zaozao by her nickname, but she didn't show it on her face. She said, "Mother said that Zaozao is almost a year old and she hasn't even seen her yet!" After a pause, Ye Shi smiled again and continued, "What San Mei4 does not know, Mother heard that the Si Meifu5 is tall, mighty, and robust. So when she heard that Zaozao resembled Si Meifu, she couldn't help but be overly concerned." Whatever it was, having more of it didn't make it more valuable. Although Qiu Shi had many grandsons and granddaughters, there was only Zaozao, the granddaughter she hadn't seen, so she often talked about her.

Yuchen also smiled and said, "Eldest Aunt is worrying too much. Girls change a lot as they grow up, and Zaozao will definitely become more beautiful. But from what Yuxi said in the letter, Zaozao is a very active little girl and quite mischievous."

Ye Shi smiled in agreement. "Indeed, I have heard that her legs are also strong. She is only one year old, but when she kicks, it will really hurt you."

The two sisters-in-law chatted for a while, and it was almost midday when Ye Shi took her leave. Outside the Jing Wangfu, Ye Shi's personal maid, Ah Ling couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect that San Gunainai6 and Si Gunainai7 to still have such a good relationship."

Ye Shi was not surprised as she replied, "The bond formed over ten years of close companionship will not dissipate even after marriage." Although Yuxi had fallen out with the Third Branch, she hadn't done the same with Yuchen. Besides, Yuchen was now the Jing Wangfei8, so it was advantageous for Yuxi to maintain a friendly relationship with Yuchen.

Yuchen looked at the six large boxes in the room and sighed softly. For the past two years, Yuxi had been in frequent contact with Qiu Shi, often sending gifts to the capital, but not a single letter or gift had been sent to Jinyu Lane. Yuxi was truly determined to sever ties with the Third Branch.

Momo9 Gui had always known Yuchen's thoughts, but she didn't want to interfere in such matters. She quickly changed the subject, "Niangniang10, the mourning period will end in the first month. As for the Fifth Miss, her marriage arrangements will still require the assistance of the Main Branch." Wen Shi was useless; all she cared about was raising her precious son. At present, Yurong was in charge of the Third Branch. However, even though Yurong was capable, as a young woman, she couldn't handle her own marriage arrangements. So in the end, they would need the help of the Main Branch. Of course, Qiu Shi would definitely not agree to help, but they could ask Ye Shi for assistance.

Yuchen said, "I need to discuss this with Father first." Even if they wanted Dasao11's help, it had to be approved by her father and Da Tangge12. If she, as a married daughter, requested it, her Da Tangge and Dasao might agree out of respect for her, but they would still feel unhappy.

Momo Gui added, "Once the mourning period is over, the Old Lord will return to his official duties." With Jing Wang13's current power, when the Old Lord returned to his official duties, he would certainly rely on Jing Wang.

Yuchen frowned slightly as she responded, "I will tell Wangye14 when I have the opportunity." This matter must be planned early. Otherwise, time would be too tight, and it would be too late to make any good arrangements.

The day after the items left the capital, a return letter from Yuxi in Yu City arrived at the Duke Residence. After reading the letter, Qiu Shi smiled before saying, "Yuxi is pregnant again." Only a few months after weaning, Yuxi was pregnant again, showing the deep affection between husband and wife.

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

Ye Shi was a little jealous. "Si Mei15 is really lucky." Whether this child would be a boy or a girl, getting pregnant so quickly showed that Yuxi was very fertile. Unlike her, who had been on medication for several years before having a daughter and still had no news. Although Ye Shi raised Lil Boy Chang by her side, she still wanted a biological son and had been on medication for years.

Qiu Shi said, "It's a pity that we received the news late. Otherwise, we could have sent more nourishing things to the northwest." She really hoped that Yuxi was carrying a son this time because the birth of a son would secure her position.

After reading the letter that Yuxi had written to him, Han Jianming became very thoughtful. In the letter, Yuxi mentioned that she felt the weather last winter was abnormal and was very worried about natural disasters. She even consulted the experienced old farmers who predicted that there would likely be natural disasters this year. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, she sent people to purchase grain from Jiangnan and Taiyuan. At the end of the letter, Yuxi reminded Han Jianming to be prepared for droughts, floods, and insect infestations.

Han Jianming pondered for a moment, then called the steward and instructed, "Buy more grain for storage." Even if there were natural disasters, the Duke Residence was not worried about running out of food. However, since they had received Yuxi's letter, they had to put on a show for those who were secretly watching the exchange of letters.

The steward didn't understand and suggested, "My Lord, it's almost the summer harvest. It would be cheaper to buy grain after the harvest." The price of grain before the summer harvest was usually two to three times higher than after the harvest, so buying in bulk now was not cost-effective.

Han Jianming said, "Buy it now, let's start with two thousand taels of grain." There were over a hundred people in the Duke Residence, so two thousand taels of grain was not too much.

Seeing the situation, the steward did not dare to ask further and replied, "Yes."

After putting down the letter, Han Jianming whispered, "Just say useless things, not a single useful word." Although he said this, Han Jianming was not angry. Yuxi was in a dangerous situation, so it was good to be careful.

When Han Jianming was having dinner in the backyard that evening, he saw Qiu Shi's smiling face and asked, "Mother, is there any good news?" When he heard about Yuxi's pregnancy, Han Jianming smiled and said, "This girl..." After all she had said in her letter, he had never heard such big news.

Qiu Shi smiled. "Telling me or telling you, it's all the same." As long as one person knew, everyone would know.

After saying that, Qiu Shi couldn't help but express, "I just hope that Yuxi can live a peaceful life in the future; that's all I ask." She hoped nothing would happen to Yuxi again, or she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Han Jianming sighed when he heard this. Yuxi's current situation was very dangerous, so it was impossible for her to live a peaceful life. However, he would definitely not tell Qiu Shi about this, so as not to worry her.

After dinner, Han Jianming chatted with Qiu Shi for a while before preparing to return to the front courtyard. On the way, he ran into Concubine Jia's personal maid, Shuiping.

Han Jianming noticed the maid's hurried appearance and immediately had someone at his side stop her, asking, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Shuiping hastily replied, "Young Master Four is ill, and Madam is extremely worried. She wishes for the Lady to summon a physician for the Fourth Young Master." Concubine Jia's second son was called Jiahe, which means 'family harmony brings prosperity16'. He ranked fourth in the family and was known to the servants as the Fourth Young Master.

Upon hearing this request, Han Jianming furrowed his brow and instructed his attendant, "Take a token and go fetch Imperial Physician Le." Imperial Physician Le was an authority in the field of paediatrics.

When Han Jianming arrived at the Guihua Courtyard, he found out that Jiahe had a fever. Han Jianming asked sternly, "How have you been taking care of the child?" Lil Boy Chang, who grew up under Ye Shi's care, had always been healthy, but Jiahe often fell ill. It was common for children to be sick due to weak health, it was just that having Lil Boy Chang around for comparison made Concubine Jia seem very inattentive.

Concubine Jia's eyes instantly reddened when she heard Han Jianming's accusation, "It's this concubine's fault for not taking good care of the Fourth Young Master." The illness was in the child's body, but it was the mother's heart that felt the pain. The one who suffered the most when a son fell ill was none other than Concubine Jia, the child's mother.

Han Jianming said, "I have already sent someone to fetch Imperial Physician Le. Let him take a good look this time." He hoped that Lil Boy would be cured this time and not get sick so often.

Hearing this, Concubine Jia felt relieved, "Thank you, my Lord." Even though they had sons together, they lacked a real bond.

Footnotes Full List
  1. I don't think Yan Wushuang will conspire with the enemies who have killed his father. The best thing for him to do is to win the loyalty of the old and new Liangdong soldiers.
  2. wang=king, fu=residence
  3. Oh, Yuchen hasn't heard about Chen Yu's incident?
  4. san=third, mei=younger sister, short form for Meimei
  5. younger sister's husband
  6. san=third, gunainai=(a respectful form of address for a married woman used by members of her parents' family) married daughter)
  7. si=fourth, gunainai=(a respectful form of address for a married woman used by members of her parents' family) married daughter)
  8. wang=king, fei=consort
  9. (dialect) elderly lady
  10. addressing or referring to an empress or an imperial concubine
  11. eldest sister-in-law
  12. da=eldest, tangge= son of one's father's brother, who is older than oneself; older male cousin; male cousin on the male side
  13. king
  14. wang
  15. =king, ye=lord
  16. si=fourth, mei=younger sister, short form for Meimei
  17. This meaning is actually for a Chinese proverb, '家和万事兴 (jiā hé wàn shì xīng)'. Jiahe (家和) literally means family harmony.

きつね's Musing
I found an interesting short Chinese drama on TikTok called My Chubby And Clever Princess. Although the drama was rather low-budget, the costumes were beautiful. And the ML looks familiar. Where have I seen him before? 🤔

Someone has compiled all the short episodes into a 2-hour-plus movie. The drama was hilarious. There are some cringe moments, but I watched it for the story. I guess this is what you get when you cut out all the unnecessary arcs in a novel.


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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18 Sep 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 551, 552, 553 & 554. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊