ROHYX Chapter 541 : Fish In Troubled Waters (1)

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Yuxi said nothing more about her pretending to be sick but asked Imperial Physician Hong many questions. They talked for almost a shichen1 before Imperial Physician Hong took his leave.

After Imperial Physician Hong left, Zijin said seriously, "Madam, if we finish him off now, there won't be any leaks." If that Hong person told Tao Hongchang Daren2 about Madam pretending to be sick, it would be a big problem.

Yuxi shook her head. "No need, he won't say anything." If he did, it would definitely provoke Tao Hongchang's anger. Besides, Yuxi was confident in her own judgement. Imperial Physician Hong was not only a man of medical ethics who wouldn't joke with someone's life, he was also a wise man. Wise people naturally know what to say and what not to say.

Zijin was not entirely reassured, but she didn't dare to do it privately without Yuxi's permission. Otherwise, the consequences would be severe. The last time she had failed so badly in her duties at the Charity Home, Master Yang had scolded her for a month. Until she received orders from Yuxi, she didn't dare to act rashly.

That night, Yun Qing got wind of the news and learned that Du Wenshu was advising the Emperor to execute Yuxi. After hearing this, Yun Qing wanted to kill Du Wenshu, but before doing so, he told Yuxi, "Yuxi, we can't let Du Wenshu live."

Yuxi had long felt that Du Wenshu was a potential threat, and it was just as she had feared: "He Rui, isn't it inappropriate to deal with Du Wenshu now?" Seeing Yun Qing's puzzled expression, she explained, "Tao Hongchang deliberately leaked this information to us. He definitely has bad intentions." This matter was supposed to be confidential, but since they knew about it now, it was obvious that Tao Hongchang was trying to get Du Wenshu killed. Until they knew what Tao Hongchang's real intentions were, they could not take any action against Du Wenshu.

Frowning, Yun Qing wondered, "What kind of people does the Emperor employ?" Du Wenshu and Tao Hongchang were both Emperor's people, yet these so-called *own people were at each other's throats. It would be a rare occurrence if the Emperor could still outwit both the Grand Chancellor and Song Guojiu3 in such a situation.

Yuxi said, "The Imperial Court is unreliable; we must rely on ourselves." It was already the fifth month, and the Imperial Court had only allocated 1.5 million taels of silver, with little left after military expenses.🦊

Speaking of silver, Yun Qing asked, "We've already bought more than 600,000 dan5 of grain; it may not be appropriate to buy more." Having so much grain in reserve would surely make the Emperor suspicious. Although influenced by Yuxi, Yun Qing now wanted to secure the position of Governor-General of Shaanxi and Gansu mainly for the sake of the 100,000 soldiers in Yu City, and also to accumulate capital to wipe out the northern barbarians.

Yuxi chuckled lightly. "With the power of 100,000 troops in your hands, the Emperor will be wary no matter what we do. As long as you don't give up that military power, you have nothing to worry about."

Yun Qing's expression darkened. Although he had no rebellious intentions, he was not naive. He understood that relinquishing his military power would be tantamount to inviting disaster upon his entire family.

Yuxi spoke in a gentle tone, "As long as we remain upright and act with integrity, let them worry all they want." She then explained her plan. Yuxi believed that they should continue to buy grain, but the amount could be reduced from the previous year. Having endured hunger in her previous life, Yuxi only felt safe when she had enough food.

After careful consideration, Yun Qing agreed: "Then let's buy it in smaller quantities."

Yuxi proposed that they prioritise buying beans and seafood in large quantities instead of grain.

Yun Qing expressed his confusion, "Why do we need to buy more beans and seafood? Is there a specific reason?" He pointed out that buying seafood would require travelling to coastal areas, which were a considerable distance away.

Yuxi explained, "I recently heard from Xu Wu about the situation in the military camps. Apparently, many soldiers are suffering from joint pain and big neck disease6." Seeing Yun Qing nod in confirmation, she continued, "Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, meat, and dairy products can prevent these two diseases." Providing large amounts of fruit and meat was impractical due to the high cost, but vegetables and affordable seafood were feasible options.

Yun Qing's face lit up with surprise. "Eating these things can really alleviate blood failure symptoms7 and big neck disease?" Both diseases were highly prevalence among the soldiers. Naturally, since they were so common, even Yuxi was aware of them.🦊

Yuxi nodded, "I've already consulted with Imperial Physician Hong, and he agrees with my viewpoint. He said that eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and seafood can help prevent blood failure symptoms and big neck disease."

Yun Qing suggested, "Then we should give them more vegetables. As for meat..." Providing the soldiers with more meat was not realistic, but they could provide dairy products instead.

Yuxi smiled as she witnessed Yun Qing's excitement. It was rare to see him express such emotions. "Don't worry, we'll take it one step at a time. As long as we are determined, we can improve their lives."

Yun Qing vowed, "Then I will also eat more fruits and vegetables in the future." He was a meat lover and usually avoided eating fruits and vegetables.

Yuxi smiled and said, "It's good that you know, otherwise, if Zaozao grows up learning from you to eat only meat and no fruits and vegetables, I will have a headache." Zaozao resembled Yun Qing not only in appearance but also in diet, being a meat lover as well.

Yun Qing laughed, "I won't be picky about food anymore." Knowing that the blood failure symptom and the big neck disease were caused by improper diet, he no longer dared to eat only meat.

Yuxi returned to the previous topic: "Let Du Wenshu know about the information we found out, and see how he reacts." On the one hand, it served as a warning to Du Wenshu to be more honest; but on the other hand, it was also meant to instigate a conflict between Du Wenshu and Tao Hongchang.

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Yun Qing detested scheming, but given his position, some scheming was unavoidable. Thankfully, Yuxi was there to help him with strategies. "All right."

At that time, a major event occurred in Liaodong, where Marshal Tong Chunlin was assassinated. When this news reached the capital, it caused a great stir. Song Guojiu was particularly vocal in demanding a thorough investigation, as Tong Chunlin was his man, and his death was a severe blow to him.

The Emperor was also deeply concerned. Tong Chunlin's death left Liaodong without a leader, and if the Donghu people took advantage of the situation to attack Tongcheng and march south, the capital would be in danger.

Sometimes what you feared came true. On the fourth day after the news of Tong Chunlin's murder spread, an urgent message arrived from Tongcheng.

The Emperor summoned the civil and military officials to discuss the matter: "I wonder who the esteemed ministers think should be sent to Liaodong?" This person must not only be skilled in warfare but also capable of commanding the Liaodong Army.

It was at that moment that Marquis Chiang stepped forward to volunteer. Apart from Marquis Chiang, several other veteran generals and young officers also volunteered.

The Emperor weighed his options and finally chose Marquis Chiang, ordering him to rush immediately to Liaodong to resist the Donghu people.

When Yuchen received this news, she became worried and anxious. As soon as she received the invitation from the Chiang Residence, she went there immediately. Upon meeting Marquis Chiang, she said, "Not to mention the imminent threat from the Donghu people, the mastermind behind the assassination of Marshal Tong has not yet been found. It is too dangerous for Jiujiu9 to go to Liaodong."

Marquis Chiang smiled bitterly and replied, "I am well aware of the situation in Liaodong, but if I do not step forward, the Emperor will still choose me." The Emperor did not have many capable people at his disposal, and he happened to be one. Besides the reason mentioned earlier, he also wanted to take a gamble. Losing would only cost him his life. After all, he was already in his forties, and his son could carry on the family line. Even if he died in battle, he would have no regrets. If he won, he would have the capital to compete with the Yu and Song families.

Yuchen also knew that since the Emperor had already appointed Marquis Chiang, there was no way he could refuse: "Jiujiu, you must be careful." Yuchen felt a little disheartened. Her Jiujiu was always so caring towards her, but at critical moments, she couldn't help him, which made her feel ashamed.

Marquis Chiang said, "When I go to Liaodong, I will need you to take care of matters at the residence." Although Shizi10 Jiang was capable, Jing Wang11's power was greater, and the affairs of the Imperial Court still required reliance on Jing Wang. This was the real reason Marquis Jiang had Yuchen come over.

Yuchen nodded. "Jiujiu, rest assured. If anything happens, I will inform Da Biaoge12."

While others did not know who was behind Tong Chunlin's assassination, Han Jianming guessed, "Tong Chunlin's death must have been orchestrated by Yan Wushuang." Tong Chunlin had betrayed Marshal Yan in the past and wiped out the Yan family in Liaodong. It could be said that Tong Chunlin was Yan Wushuang's archenemy. Yan Wushuang must have wanted to kill him for a long time but had never found the opportunity.

Although Han Jianming was certain it was Yan Wushuang's doing, he had no concrete proof. Moreover, he had known for a long time that Yan Wushuang had not perished and was hiding somewhere, but he had not informed the Emperor, for to reveal this now would surely arouse the Emperor's suspicions.

Mr Zhao had a different perspective. "Tong Chunlin was the Marshal of Liaodong. How did Yan Wushuang kill him?" Tong Chunlin was a high-ranking marshal, heavily guarded both inside and outside his home. It wouldn't be easy for anyone to kill him.

Han Jianming replied, "There is a saying: a thousand days as a thief, but not a thousand days to guard against a thief13. Yan Wushuang has been preparing for over a decade, and now he must have felt that the time was right." While it might be difficult for others to kill Tong Chunlin, Yan Wushuang was an exception.

Many people in Liaodong had benefited from Marshal Yan's favour, which was why Yan Wushuang could survive Tong Chunlin's pursuit. With Yan Wushuang's influence in Liaodong and years of preparation, assassinating Tong Chunlin was not an unimaginable feat.

Mr Zhao expressed, "I feel that this matter is not so simple. My Lord, do you think it could be related to the Yu family?" No matter how capable Yan Wushuang was, he couldn't have hidden so deeply without any assistance. The only family in the capital that could rival the Song family was the Yu family.

After careful consideration, Han Jianming said, "If your speculation is correct, the assassination of Tong Chunlin is worth considering." If Yan Wushuang wanted to take revenge, it was not impossible for him to cooperate with the Yu family. However, why the Yu family would help Yan Wushuang was a question worth pondering.

After thinking this through, Han Jianming said, "This matter must be reported to the Emperor." He did not say this out of loyalty to the Emperor but because he knew that the situation would become even more chaotic once the Emperor found out, and it happened that Han Jianming also wanted to fish in troubled waters14.

P.S.: My neighbours argued for over an hour about a goose. It gave me a headache, and they almost came to blows. It's the festive season, yet tempers are running high... (🦊: The author wrote this chapter during the Chinese New Year period.)

Footnotes Full List
  1. 2 hours
  2. title of respect toward superiors
  3. the Emperor's maternal uncle or brother-in-law
  4. Huh? I thought they only gave 500,000k
  5. a traditional unit of volume, esp. for grain, equal to 100 sheng (市升), and equivalent to 100 litres or 176 pints
  6. goitre
  7. sepsis
  8. When did Yuxi talk about sepsis, author?
  9. maternal uncle, mother's brother
  10. heir to a noble house
  11. king
  12. da=eldest, biaoge=son of one's father's sister, or of one's mother's brother or sister, who is older than oneself; older male cousin; male cousin on one's female side
  13. Chinese proverb meaning that it is impossible to guard against all threats, no matter how vigilant you are.
  14. This is a metaphor for taking advantage of a chaotic or confusing situation to achieve one's own goals.


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7 Aug 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 547, 548, 549 & 550. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊