ROHYX Chapter 539 : Emissary

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Once Yuxi could eat and sleep well, she didn't remain idle. However, she didn't do any heavy work. She just checked the accounts and did some trivial things. Yun Qing knew that Yuxi couldn't sit still. He also believed that she was reasonable, so he didn't bother to give her any advice. However, just to be on the safe side, he asked Mama Qu and Shiliu to keep an eye on Yuxi and only allow her to work for two shichen1 a day.

Yuxi was looking at the restaurant's accounts when she saw Yun Qing approaching her with a dark expression. She put the accounts down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Qing replied, "The Emperor has issued a decree that families of second-rank officials and above must move to the capital, and the same goes for the families of third-rank military officers and above." He didn't want Yuxi to go to the capital; being separated by thousands of miles would mean not seeing each other for a year.

Smiling, Yuxi comforted him, "Don't be angry. I can't go back to the capital in my current condition." She thought it was Empress Dowager Song who had summoned her back to the capital, not the Emperor, who had issued such a momentous decree instead.

Yun Qing argued, "You can avoid it for a while, but not forever." Now that Yuxi was pregnant, she definitely couldn't go to the capital, but what about after the child was born?

Yuxi was not worried at all. She said, "Let's talk about next year when it comes." Who knew what would happen then?

Yun Qing also had no better idea for now. "We still need to devise a proper plan; otherwise, it will always be a problem."

Yuxi nodded. "We still have time to think about it. There's no rush." The child was not even two months old; they still had a whole year to think about it!

When Zijin heard this news, she became worried and asked, "Madam, we can avoid it for now, but not forever. What should we do?"

After peeling a grape and eating it, Yuxi replied, "The Emperor is too impatient. He wants to catch everything in one net2, but it still depends on whether the people are willing." No one was a fool. The Emperor's decree was clearly intended to use these families as hostages. If the Imperial Court could control the current situation, these people would have obediently sent their wives and children to the capital. But now, everyone was definitely thinking of ways to avoid it.

Zijin asked: "Madam, have you met the Emperor? What kind of person is he? He is truly heartless to issue such an edict ."

Yuxi thought momentarily and replied: "The Emperor is a talented person." She did not deny that the Emperor was talented, but unfortunately, he was an impatient one. An Emperor who lacked patience and composure would cause significant problems not only in turbulent times like these but even in times of peace.

With this in mind, a thought struck Yuxi, and she said softly: "Perhaps I should find some tasks for the Emperor so that he won't just focus on us women." If Yuxi were to speak her mind, she would say that the Emperor's idea was not particularly wise. Sending family members to the capital would not stop the officials and officers from taking concubines and having children. The ones who would suffer would be the formal wives and their legitimate children.

Hearing this, Zijin's eyes sparkled as she asked: "Madam, have you come up with a good idea?" The sooner this was settled, the sooner they could be at ease.

Yuxi shook her head. "I'll tell you later." For now, it was just a rough idea that needed careful planning to perfect.

Three days later, Yuxi heard that the Imperial Court had sent someone to pick her up. A smile appeared on her face. "They actually sent someone specifically to fetch me. The Emperor is really worried about me and Yun Qing." It seemed that she had to speed up her plan.

This time, the person sent to fetch Yuxi was not an eunuch but the Emperor's trusted first-class guard, Tao Hongchang.

Yun Qing's face turned cold as he said: "My wife is pregnant now. How can she endure such a long journey? Can you bear the responsibility if something goes wrong along the way?"

Tao Hongchang replied, "General, I understand your concern, but I am here on the Emperor's orders to escort Madam back. Please don't make it difficult for me." This was using the Emperor's authority to pressure Yun Qing.

Following Yuxi's instructions, Zijin was gathering information in the front courtyard. Sensing that something was wrong, she immediately retreated and found Yuxi. "Madam, that person surnamed Tao is adamant about taking Madam back to the capital. Even the General's strong arguments are useless. Madam, you must find a solution quickly."

Yuxi shook her head helplessly. Being pregnant, she was not up for a long journey. This excuse was solid as a rockeven Yun Qing couldn't argue with it. What a fool he was. "Let's go, let's meet this person surnamed Tao."

Xu Wu, who was guarding outside the main hall, was surprised to see Yuxi being assisted by Zijin. However, he quickly realised that this might be his mistress's trick.

Tao Hongchang used high-sounding words to pressure Yun Qing. Yun Qing, who was not good with words, firmly stated that he wouldn't let Yuxi take any risks. "General, I assure you that I will ensure Madam's safe arrival in the capital," Tao Hongchang said.

Before Yun Qing could respond, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps outside. A glint flashed in Tao Hongchang's eyesif he guessed correctly, it must be Han Shi arriving. Before he left for the Northwest, the Emperor had told him that Yun Qing was not difficult to deal with, but Han Shi was the real challenge. She was a woman of great cunning and resourcefulness. That was why he was now on high alert.

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

In fact, before coming to the Northwest, he had specifically sent people to investigate Yuxi. Unfortunately, they had only found negative reports, such as her having a bad fate or being unfilial. Nothing helpful.

Supported by Zijin, Yuxi walked into the room.

Tao Hongchang's gaze fell upon Yuxi. She was dressed in a large crimson cloud brocade dress embroidered with golden lotuses, and her bun was adorned with a jade phoenix buyao inlaid with pearls—a very luxurious outfit. However, Yuxi had not yet regained her health. She was skinny, and her complexion was pale. This attire made her look even worse.

Not knowing that Yuxi was acting, when Yun Qing noticed Yuxi's bloodless face, he sternly said, "This is utter nonsense. Why did you come if you don't feel well?"

Supported by Zijin, Yuxi sat on a chair and replied to Yun Qing's complaint, "I was worried, so I came to see what was going on."

Turning to Tao Hongchang, Yuxi asked, "Just now, I heard you say you could guarantee my safe arrival in the capital. What assurance do you have?" Initially, this question was somewhat confrontational, but Yuxi's weak and powerless voice made it sound discomforting rather than intimidating.

Tao Hongchang replied, "I am willing to risk my life to ensure that Madam reaches the capital safely." This time, no matter what, Han Shi must be brought back to the capital.

Yuxi coldly sneered in her heart. Risk his life? Did he take her for a fool? The capital was not the Northwest. Even if something really happened to her, Tao Hongchang would still come out unscathed. Yuxi touched her belly, which was not yet obvious, and asked softly, "Tao Daren3, I greatly admire your devotion to your duty. But look at my current condition. Do you think it's safe for me and the child to return to the capital with you?"

Tao Hongchang replied without any hesitation, "Madam, I have an Imperial Physician with me. I will make sure that you and the child are safe." The Emperor had thought it through carefully. Fearing that Yuxi might feign illness to avoid returning to the capital, he had Tao Hongchang bring an Imperial Physician. This was a relatively secretive matter, and Han Jianming had failed to uncover this information.

When Yun Qing heard this, he was furious. The conversation had reached this point, yet this person still wouldn't back down. Clearly, these people from the capital didn't care about the lives of Yuxi and his child. At this point, the hostility emanating from Yun Qing could no longer be concealed. His indifferent, icy gaze sent shivers down Tao Hongchang's spine, a man accustomed to grand scenes.

Yuxi wasn't angry; instead, she smiled weakly and softly said, "I didn't expect Tao Daren to bring a physician. That's good. Let the Imperial Physician examine me and see if he can guarantee my child and I are safe."

Soon, a man in his thirties walked in. Yuxi looked at the newcomer and saw that he had thick eyebrows, large eyes, and a square face. There was a righteous look in his eyes. He didn't look like a physician, but looks could be deceiving. His actual ability would soon be revealed.

The physician brought by Tao Hongchang was surnamed Hong. Imperial Physician Hong walked in and bowed to Yuxi and Yun Qing before sitting down to take Yuxi's pulse. To be safe, he checked her right pulse first and then switched to her left.

Yuxi could tell he was genuinely skilled from how he took her pulse. But to be given such a thankless task, he must be someone who wasn't appreciated. Leaning back on the soft pillow, Yuxi said softly, "Imperial Physician Hong, a physician's heart is like a parent's. I hope you tell me truthfully whether my body can endure a long journey." As he was qualified but undervalued, there was only one possibility: he was a man of principle.

Imperial Physician Hong did not disappoint Yuxi. He said, "Madam, your body is frail and needs rest. Otherwise, you are likely to have a miscarriage." After vomiting for more than half a month, her body was already weak. It would take some time to recover with medication.

Imperial Physician Hong, who had originally been brought as a support, had now become a burden. Tao Hongchang regretted it immensely. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it now.

When Yun Qing heard this, he was terrified and said to Yuxi, "Hurry back to the room and lie down." Seeing that Yuxi was reluctant to get up, he simply picked her up. Ignoring Tao Hongchang and Imperial Physician Hong, he carried Yuxi out the door.

Yuxi buried her head in Yun Qing's chest to hide her expression.

Tao Hongchang's face darkened. If they insisted on sending Yuxi to the capital under these circumstances, not only would they completely offend Yun Qing, but it would also make the soldiers in Yu City think that the Emperor was a cold-blooded and heartless ruler.

Imperial Physician Hong said to Yun Qing's back, "I will prescribe Madam a medicine to stabilise her pregnancy. She should take it for three days, and then I will return for a follow-up examination."

Tao Hongchang was almost speechless with shock.

Back in the rear courtyard, inside the house, Yuxi hurriedly explained to the stern-faced Yun Qing, "I am fine, don't worry!" Seeing Yun Qing's disbelief, Yuxi smiled and said, "Have you forgotten I had egg dumplings for breakfast and even drank a bowl of sheep's milk?" Shortly after lunch, she also nibbled on an apple.

After listening, Yun Qing asked, "Then why did Imperial Physician Hong say you showed signs of miscarriage? What's going on?" He was beginning to believe Yuxi's words. How could a pregnant woman who ate so heartily be weak enough to miscarry?

Yuxi chuckled. "You have forgotten that I have some knowledge of medicine. It's not difficult for me to manipulate things in this regard." Yuxi's slim figure, combined with Mama Qu's superb make-up skills, enabled them to fool Tao Hongchang and Imperial Physician Hong.

Yun Qing asked worriedly, "There won't be any side effects, right?"

Yuxi shook her head. "Don't worry, I wouldn't risk myself and the baby. I just used a few tricks, and there's no harm in it."

Yun Qing was relieved.

Yuxi took the prescription Zijin handed her from Imperial Physician Hong and nodded after reading it. He's pretty skilled. Yuxi told Yun Qing, "Isn't there a shortage of physicians in the military camp? You can suggest to Tao Hongchang to let Imperial Physician Hong treat the wounded soldiers there."

Yun Qing thought it was a good idea. Since Imperial Physician Hong could enter the Imperial Hospital, his medical skills must be excellent. As for him being fooled by Yuxi, it wasn't because his medical skills were lacking but because his wife was just too clever.

Footnotes Full List
  1. 2 hours. 2 shichen means 4 hours.
  2. Chinese idiom: Trying to control everything or everyone
  3. title of respect toward superiors


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18 Sep 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 551, 552, 553 & 554. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊