ROHYX Chapter 536 : Wistfulness

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

In the wangfu1, with its vibrant colours and a multitude of flowers vying for attention, even the lotus flowers in the lake were not to be outdone. The emerald green lotus leaves resembled large round plates, adorned with dewdrops that rolled like little elves. Among the layers of lotus leaves, several lotus flowers stood tall, some in full bloom, others waiting to blossom, a sight of breathtaking beauty.

Yuchen stood in the Qinghe Pavilion with her maids, watching the lotus leaves sway in the wind. She sighed slightly and lamented, "I remember that every time this season came around, Yuxi would have various delicacies made with lotus leaves. Now, she can't eat them even if she wants to." Yuchen's concern for Yuxi stemmed from their past outings together to admire and paint the lotus flowers outside the Tingyun Pavilion when the lotuses were in full bloom. Although Yuxi had no interest in painting, she always looked forward to the culinary delights made from lotus leaves, such as lotus leaf rice📹, lotus leaf rice porridge📹, lotus-scented fish, lotus leaf wrapped meat and lotus leaf chicken📹. It was a feast for her taste buds.

Yuchen was accompanied by her personal maid, Shiqin, as Momo2 Gui could not follow her because she was busy with something. Shi Qin smiled and said, "When Si Gunainai3 returns to the capital, she can eat whatever she wants." The Emperor had issued an edict that all families of high-ranking border officers must come to the capital.

Yuchen didn't react to this statement but instead scattered the fish food in her hand into the lake. A faint smile appeared on her face as she watched a school of fish scramble for food.

Seeing Yuchen's lack of response, Shiqin guessed that her previous words had upset Wangfei4. She dared not speak again. Wangfei4's thoughts were becoming increasingly difficult to decipher, and one had to be careful even in conversation with her!

Back in the inner courtyard, Momo2 Gui brought a cup of hot tea over. Yuchen took it but didn't drink, her eyes fixed on the blue and white lotus teacup in her hand. The cup was thin and evenly coloured, with a delicate and vivid design of intertwined lotus flowers around the rim, showing the great skill of the maker. "Why has the tea set been changed?" Zhou Yan had broken one of the teacups from Yuchen's previously beloved tea set. Since these cups were part of a set, if one was broken, the others couldn't be used.

Momo2 Gui replied, "This tea set was given to Wangfei4 by Wangye5." She took it out because it had special meaning to her mistress.

Even after hearing this explanation, Yuchen's expression remained indifferent.

Momo2 Gui was somewhat worried; apart from being with Shizi6 and Junzhu7, Wangfei4 spent the rest of her time on the four arts, showing only indifference towards Wangye5. She feared that if this continued, there might be a crack in their marriage. Although Wangfei4 was breathtakingly beautiful, there were many other beauties in the world, and Wangye5 never lacked companionship.

Yuchen understood Momo2 Gui's concern. She smiled and said, "Wangye5 is in mourning right now, your worries are entirely unnecessary." During the mourning period, the Emperor and the Empress Dowager would definitely not grant him any beauty. As for the beauties in the wangfu1, Wangye5 wasn't even there; they were merely decorations. Besides, even if Wangye5 favoured them, they wouldn't conceive in these two years, so there was really nothing to worry about.

Feeling that Yuchen was being strange today, Momo2 Gui went out of the main house to find Shiqin and asked, "Did something happen today?" She felt that her mistress was in a particularly bad mood today.

Shiqin told her what had happened to Yuchen in the pavilion.

Momo2 Gui smiled wryly. Her Wangfei4 was superior to Si Gunainai3 in every way, and her life had always been smooth sailing. However, she lacked one thing compared to Si Gunainai3: Yun Qing's undivided devotion. This devotion wasn't just empty words like Wangye5's; Yun Qing put it into action.

When Momo2 Gui returned to the main house, she found that Yuchen wasn't there. After asking around, she learned that Wangfei4 had gone to the art room to paint. Momo2 Gui let out a long sigh. People were most afraid of comparisons8. Without Si Gunainai3's life as an example, Wangfei4 wouldn't feel so bitter. After all, this was the life of a noblewoman in the capital.

While she was lamenting, she saw Jing Wang9 return. Momo2 Gui bowed and said, "Wangye5, Wangfei4 is currently painting in the art room."

Jing Wang9 grunted and tiredly sat down on the walnut luohan couch inlaid with mother-of-pearl. He placed a round floral brocade cushion behind his back and leaned against the couch.

Seeing this, Momo2 Gui rushed into the art room and informed Yuchen, who was engrossed in her painting, "Wangfei4, Wangye5 has returned, and he looks exhausted." There were a thousand threads and ten thousand clues10 in the affairs of the Imperial Court, and as the Emperor's right-hand man, Jing Wang9 was so busy running around in circles11.

Yuchen entered the room and found Jing Wang9 asleep. He must have been exhausted to fall asleep the moment he sat down. Yuchen took a thin blanket and gently covered him. She then left the room, called Jing Wang9's personal attendant and asked, "Did Wangye5 not sleep well last night?"

The attendant replied, "Wangye5 has been sleeping only for one or two hours a day for the past few days." There was too much to do, and the Emperor trusted no one else, so Jing Wang9 became so busy that he didn't even have time to catch his breath.

Yuchen's expression didn't look very good, but she didn't ask any further. Jing Wang9 wasn't willing to discuss court matters with her, so of course, she wouldn't do anything he didn't like, at least not to his face.

Jing Wang9 didn't sleep long either, as he was summoned by the Emperor. Yuchen didn't want to wake him up, but she had no choice. She tidied up his clothes and advised, "Wangye5, please take care of yourself." Jing Wang9 was the pillar of the wangfu1. If anything happened to him, the whole family would have no one to rely on.

Jing Wang9 placed his hand on Yuchen's jade-white face and smiled gently, "Don't worry, I will take care of myself." He felt guilty for neglecting his delicate wife at home.

Yuchen held Jing Wang9's outstretched hand in hers and said softly, "I'll take care of Yan-er and Xia-er. You don't need to worry about the household." In front of Jing Wang9, Yuchen was a gentle and virtuous wife, always caring for her husband.

After Jing Wang9 left, Yuchen instructed, "Find out what is currently happening in the Imperial Court." Her husband was restless even during his nap, while she did not know what important matter had arisen to cause it.

Soon, she received news. Momo2 Gui reported, "Madam🦊, Yun Qing's report has arrived. Yun Qing had sent people to Taiyuan to buy grain, but the grain was robbed by bandits. Yun Qing dispatched six hundred elite soldiers to retrieve the grain. Song Guojiu13 said that Yun Qing should be punished for the serious crime of 'acting without authorisation'."

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Yuchen was now fed up with Empress Dowager Song and the Song family, but she didn't want to comment publicly on court affairs. "Why are the bandits so rampant now?" It wasn't wrong for Yun Qing to send troops to retrieve the military provisions stolen by the bandit. But it was a problem, a *big problem, that these bandits even dared to rob even the Northwest Army's provisions.

Momo2 Gui looked worried as she said, "That's right! The bandits in the northwest are rampant, but I never thought the same would happen in Shanxi. If this continues, it will surely endanger the rivers and mountains, altars of the land and grain14." If Yuxi were here, she would definitely say that there was no need to wait for the future; the country was already in great danger now.

Yuchen said, "Yuxi said that there would be a drought this year. She must have just made it up." The weather had been good so far, so why would there be a drought?

Momo2 Gui responded, "It's good that there is no drought." If there really was a drought, Si Gunainai3 would definitely have a hard time. With the bond that her Wangfei4 had with Si Gunainai3, her Wangfei4 definitely wouldn't just roll up her sleeves and watch from the sidelines15. Therefore, Momo2 Gui thought it was better for Yuxi to be safe and sound.

Yuchen strongly agreed. "Indeed, it's a good thing." If there were a natural disaster, the Imperial Court would be in chaos again, and Wangye5 would be even busier. It would be even rarer to see him then.

Momo2 Gui brought up what Shiqin had said earlier, "The Emperor's decree has been issued, but we don't know how Si Gunainai3 will find a way to get around it." The Emperor's decree was different from the Empress Dowager's orders. Daring to disobey the Emperor's decree was a crime punishable by the extermination of the entire family. Even if the Emperor didn't have much real power, Song Guojiu would use Yuxi's disobedience to target Yun Qing.

Yuchen wasn't worried as she replied, "Yuxi will solve this matter herself." The mountains were high, and the Emperor was far away16; Yuxi would find a good reason to avoid this decree. However, it would only be a temporary measure; it wouldn't be so easy to find a permanent solution.

Han Jianming received the news even earlier than Yuchen. He was not worried about Yun Qing sending troops to recover the military provision. Sending people to retrieve the stolen grain was the right thing to do; even if Song Guoju insisted on punishing Yun Qing, it would be useless. The Emperor wouldn't punish Yun Qing for this.

Mr Zhao said, "This matter of General Yun sending troops isn't a concern; what I'm worried about is Ji Xuan. He hasn't even started fighting the bandits yet, but he's already submitted a request for military pay, asking for millions. Where will the Imperial Court find that much money?" This Ji Xuan was too dangerous; just one misstep and the northwest could descend into chaos.

Han Jianming remarked, "Let's see how the court handles this."

As for the incident of General Yun dispatching troops to recover provisions, only Song Guojiu advocated for severe punishment, while Grand Chancellor Yu remained silent. The Emperor, uninterested in further investigation, finally issued a decree reprimanding General Yun, which did not cause Yun Qing any pain or itch17.

Grand Chancellor Yu's demeanour in court was as inscrutable as ever, revealing no depth. When he returned home, however, he revealed a solemn expression. "I'm afraid the Northwest will be in chaos."

Eldest Master Yu was not surprised by this statement and said, "Father, Ji Xuan is not only privately increasing taxes and levying exorbitant taxes, but he is also buying and selling official positions and privately mining ores." Zhang Wenjie was a protégé of Old Master Yu, so the Yu family knew more about the situation in the Northwest than the Emperor. As for the Northwest descending into chaos, everyone in the Yu family knew very well that it was only a matter of time.

Grand Chancellor Yu shook his head. "I'm not worried about Ji Xuan." Ji Xuan was an incompetent person; otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed Ji Xuan to do whatever he wanted in the northwest without intervening.

Eldest Master Yu immediately understood. "Father is worried about Yun Qing? But didn't you mention before that General Yun has no ambition, only understands warfare, and poses no threat?" Otherwise, they wouldn't have supported Yun Qing to become the Commander-in-Chief of Yu City.

Grand Chancellor Yu revealed a sharp look in his eyes and said, "This time is different." In the past, Yun Qing had no ambition, but not necessarily now. If Yun Qing still had no ambition, he would not have achieved so much in such a short time. People's hearts were fickle, but they simply did not expect the change to come so quickly.

Grand Chancellor Yu shook his head at this thought. "It was *I who underestimated this woman Han Shi." He had not expected Han Shi's influence on Yun Qing to be so great. It was so great that it could change the way Yun Qing acted. Yun Qing was not the same as Ji Xuan. Yun Qing had a powerful army in his hands, and once he became ambitious, the consequences would be unimaginable. At that time, no one would be able to control the situation, including him.

Eldest Master Yu asked, "Father, since the Emperor has already issued a decree, Han Shi will be returning to the capital soon." As long as Han Shi returned to the capital, she wouldn't pose any threat.

Grand Chancellor Yu said, "Let's just wait and see what happens."

Footnotes Full List
  1. wang=king, fu=residence
  2. (dialect) elderly lady
  3. si=fourth, gunainai=(a respectful form of address for a married woman used by members of her parents' family) married daughter
  4. Wang=king, fei=consort
  5. wang=king, ye=lord
  6. heir to a noble house. Yuchen's twin son.
  7. title for king's daughter. Yuchen's twin daughter
  8. Chinese proverb: This proverb highlights the human tendency to compare ourselves with others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy, envy, or insecurity.
  9. king
  10. Chinese idiom: for describing any situation that is challenging and requires careful attention to detail
  11. fig. suggesting a sense of being in constant motion but not necessarily progressing in any particular direction
  12. Momo Gui, your mistress isn't some low-level official's wife.
  13. the Emperor's maternal uncle or brother-in-law
  14. a poetic and symbolic expression that refers to the country and its people
  15. a metaphor for not doing something when one should, or being indifferent to the suffering of others
  16. a well-known Chinese phrase: remote places where laws and decrees are not strictly enforced; remote places beyond the administration's reach.
  17. a metaphor to describe something that is insignificant or inconsequential


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18 Sep 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 551, 552, 553 & 554. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊