ROHYX Chapter 526 : Win Over (2)

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Two white swans swam gracefully in the emerald blue lake, their long necks looking particularly elegant. The weather was fine; otherwise, they wouldn't dare release the white swans at this time of the year.

After strolling in the garden, Yuchen commented, "In two months, the garden won't be as desolate as it is now." The place would be a magnificent sight during late spring and early summer, with flowers in full bloom. With the current scenery, she didn't even have the mood to play music or paint.

Momo1 Gui smiled and said, "By then, Madam2 can indulge in painting."

While they were talking, Jing Wang3 approached them from a distance. He was dressed in a moon-white robe with flowing cloud patterns and silver trimmings, and his black hair was tied up with agarwood, giving him an exceptionally refreshing and elegant appearance.

These days, Jing Wang3 had been busy with the Crown Prince's enthronement. Apart from a brief visit in between, he had been absent most of the time. When Yuchen saw Jing Wang3, she knew he had come to find her for a reason.

As Yuchen had expected, Jing Wang3 had indeed returned with a purpose. That purpose was to use Yuchen as a mediator to persuade Han Jianming to support the Crown Prince.

Yuchen asked, "Wangye4, is this your idea or the Crown Prince's?" When she heard it was the Crown Prince's idea, Yuchen knew she couldn't avoid doing it. She couldn't refuse the task the Crown Prince had given her. "I will visit the Duke's residence tomorrow. However, I don't know if my Da Tangge5 will agree."

Jing Wang3 said, "Just do your best." By sending Yuchen to negotiate, he didn't expect her to convince Han Jianming completely; he merely wanted Han Jianming to know the Crown Prince's stance.

There were too many affairs at the Imperial Court, and as the Crown Prince's right-hand man, Jing Wang3 was also incredibly busy. Less than half a shichen6 after returning to the wangfu7, he left again.

The previous excitement had vanished in an instant. Yuchen threw the crabapple flower in her hand into the lake and instructed, "Let's go back!" Instead of sending someone else to persuade her Da Tangge5, they made her the mediator. She wondered who had come up with the idea.

The messenger who had sent the visitation notice returned quickly and said, "Wangfei8, Madam Ye, the Duke's mother-in-law, has passed away. The Duke and the people from the Duke's residence have gone to attend her funeral."

Yuchen's face turned unsightly as she said, "Then let's wait until Madam Ye's funeral is over before we discuss this matter. It would be inappropriate to visit them now."

A somewhat puzzled Momo1 Gui wondered, "Why would the Crown Prince want to win over the Duke? It shouldn't be because of Si Gunainai9, should it?" She didn't think Han Jianming had any remarkable qualities so that it couldn't be because of the Duke's residence. Even if the Crown Prince wanted to harm Si Gunainai9, would the couple side with the Crown Prince?

Yuchen explained, "The Duke's residence may not have much power, but the in-laws have considerable influence." The Ye family, the Lu family, and Yun Qing controlled military power, which was what the Crown Prince needed the most at the moment. Winning over Han Jianming alone could not bring these three families under control, but with Han Jianming as the middleman, it would be easier to subdue them.

Momo1 Gui shook her head. "Not to mention Si Gunainai9 and Yun Qing, but if the Lu and Ye families were to join the Crown Prince, they would not have to wait until now." Besides, Han Jianming didn't have enough influence to convince those people.

Yuchen smiled and said, "We have to give it a try. How will we know if we don't even try? Let's meet with my Da Tangge5 in a few days and do our best!"

The Ye family's funeral went smoothly, but there was a problem during the burial procession. It was raining heavily, which was the worst thing that could happen to a person when it rained in the spring. Even Han Jianming, who was always in good health, caught a cold and had to take medicine, not to mention the others.

The Chief Steward handed Han Jianming a visitation notice from Jing Wangfu7and said, "This notice was delivered ten days ago." If the notice had been addressed to Qiu Shi, there would have been no issue. It would have been an ordinary visit between a niece and her aunt. However, since the notice was addressed to Han Jianming, it required further consideration.

Han Jianming took the visitation notice and remained silent for three minutes before saying, "Tell her I am available tomorrow and invite Jing Wangfei8 to visit the residence." Yuchen must have had a reason for delivering this notice. Speaking of which, she hadn't been back since her grandmother passed away.

The next day, Yuchen came over after breakfast. When they were in the small living room, everyone else left, leaving only the two of them. Yuchen spoke up, "Dage10, I won't hide it from you. I came back this time at Wangye4's request. Wangye4 hopes I can persuade you to swear allegiance to the Crown Prince."

Han Jianming didn't expect Yuchen to be a real mediator. He asked, "If I refuse? What will the Crown Prince do to me?"

Yuchen chuckled slightly. "I'm just relaying Wangye4's words to you, Dage10. As for how you deal with it, I wouldn't dare to interfere. However, going against the Crown Prince who is about to ascend the throne is not a wise move."

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

Han Jianming glanced at Yuchen and asked, "Then what does San Mei11 think I should do?" In order to achieve great things, one shouldn't be limited by minor details.

Yuchen was momentarily taken aback, then smiled and replied, "Although the Yu and Song families currently hold considerable power, they are still mere subjects. Dage10 should know who is more important and who is less important." Since Jing Wang3 stood on the Crown Prince's side, she naturally had to be on his side as well.

Han Jianming didn't answer directly but asked in return, "Isn't Marquis Chiang still neutral? I wonder if the Crown Prince has asked San Mei11 to persuade him?"

After saying this, Han Jianming picked up his tea, tapped the teacup lid twice, and blew gently on it a few times, presenting a calm and leisurely demeanour.

Yuchen didn't respond to his question but instead looked at the painting on the wall, entitled 'Misty Mountains of the West'. The painting was vivid, depicting steep mountains with varying distances, colours, rocks, trees, travellers, birds, and springs, each capturing their own captivating essence.

Han Jianming asked, "Does San Mei11 like this painting?" If Yuchen liked it, he wouldn't mind giving it to her. It was just a painting with no special sentimental value, so it wouldn't hurt to give it away.

Yuchen smiled and shook her head but asked a seemingly unrelated question, "Dage10, do you think the Western Mountains would still have such a beautiful landscape if there were a drought?"

Upon hearing the word 'drought', Han Jianming's mind involuntarily flashed back to Yuxi's previous letter, and his heart skipped a beat. Pretending not to know, he said, "I don't understand the meaning behind San Mei12*'s words. Has the Imperial Astronomical Bureau predicted a drought this year?" It seemed that the Crown Prince had indeed discovered the secret communication between him and Yuxi; otherwise, Yuchen wouldn't have said such things.

Yuchen chuckled slightly. "If the Imperial Astronomical Bureau had such abilities, then the world wouldn't have so many uncertainties. I was just speaking casually. Whether it's a drought or a flood, these are not things that humans can predict." Yuchen speculated that the so-called drought disaster was merely a ploy by Yuxi to mislead the Crown Prince and others deliberately. Ah, it had been two years since they last met, and Yuxi had become even smarter. In comparison, Yuchen felt that she was far behind Yuxi in this regard.

Upon hearing this, Han Jianming couldn't help but understand. His earlier speculation was correct; their secret communication had been deciphered. Han Jianming was puzzled as to how Yuxi had found out about this.

Footnotes Full List
  1. (dialect) elderly lady
  2. The author has forgotten Yuchen's status. It should have been Wangfei or Niangniang, not Madam. But hey, it's the author's work. If it were a character's name, I would have changed it.
  3. king
  4. wang=king, ye=lord
  5. da=eldest, tangge=older male patrilineal cousin
  6. 2 hours
  7. wang=king, fu=residence
  8. wang=king, fei=consort
  9. si=fourth, gunainai=(a respectful form of address for a married woman used by members of her parents' family) married daughter
  10. eldest brother
  11. san=third, mei=younger sister, short form of Meimei
  12. The author originally wrote this as 四妹 (si mei), which usually refers to Yuxi, but... Han Jiangming was talking to Yuchen. It should have been 三妹 (san mei). So, I changed the word to San Mei. Sorry, author.

きつね's Musing

Not only Han Jianming but I was also puzzled as to how Yuxi could notice that. Remember when Yuxi asked Han Yi in Chapter 488? Did something happen during their travel back to Yu City? Did she notice the letter had been opened?


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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7 Aug 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 547, 548, 549 & 550. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊