ROHYX Chapter 524 : Troubled

This chapter hasn't been edited yet.

Fu Tianlei returned home and immediately summoned the steward. He inquired about the causes and consequences and learned that the maid had lost her pregnancy because of a kick from Fu Qingluo. He was instantly enraged and determined to confront Fu Qingluo.

At that moment, a servant from Fu Jian's side came to summon Fu Tianlei. Fu Tianlei suppressed his anger and went to Fu Jian's courtyard.

Fu Jian's study was decorated with weapons such as bows, arrows, knives, and crossbows. When Fu Tianlei entered, he found Fu Jian polishing a large knife.

Fu Tianlei walked in and asked, "Father, what do you need me for?" His feelings for Fu Jian were complex. As the eldest legitimate son, Fu Jian had diligently guided him. However, the events of the past made forgiveness impossible.

Fu Jian inquired, "You've heard about the maid's miscarriage; what are you going to do?" He had already lost his patience with Fu Qingluo.

Fu Tianlei was furious, not only because Fu Qingluo had caused the loss of his child but also because of his deep disappointment in her. The child was his, and even if Qingluo did it for his sake, she should not have resorted to such a cruel act.

Fu Jian said, "I have told you all these years to keep Qingluo under control, but you have never listened. This time, she didn't hesitate to get rid of your child. What else can she not do in the future?" He was worried that Qingluo would cause even greater trouble, so he saw this incident as an opportunity to eliminate those future problems.

Fu Tianlei remained silent.

Fu Jian changed the subject by asking, "I heard you have found a potential partner for Qingluo. Has that person agreed? If he agrees, then let Qingluo marry him!"

Fu Tianlei nodded. "The other party has agreed." However, he was worried that Qingluo would disagree. If that girl started causing trouble, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Fu Jian was determined to end this matter once and for all: "If you don't marry her off this time, are you really planning to support her for the rest of your life? Tianlei, you can't keep spoiling her, or you'll only end up harming her." By marrying Fu Qingluo off, he could live in peace for a few more days.

Fu Tianlei didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either: "Let me think about it."

Seeing that Fu Tianlei was already wavering, Fu Jian said nothing more. He was afraid that if he said too much, his son would become resentful again: "Go and see Qingluo!"

When Fu Tianlei arrived at Fu Qingluo's courtyard, he saw her laughing and chatting happily with her maids. For some unknown reason, Fu Tianlei felt a chill in his heart when he saw the bright smile on Fu Qingluo's face. It was as if what she had killed was not her nephew but an ant.

When Fu Qingluo saw Fu Tianlei, she walked over with a smile and greeted him, "Dage1, you're back so early today." She didn't even think about the past incident.

Fu Tianlei slapped her face, leaving a palm print on her face. His face was filled with anger as he questioned, "He was your nephew. How could you be so cruel?" Over the years, out of guilt and concern, he had been very tolerant of Qingluo. Not only did he help clean up the messes she made, but he also stood up to their father for her sake. But this was how she repaid him.

Fu Qingluo was stunned by the blow, and after a while, she regained her senses and covered her face, asking, "Ge2, you actually *hit me for that lowly maid's sake?" It could be said that Fu Qingluo's current state was closely related to Fu Tianlei's unprincipled spoiling.

Fu Tianlei coldly stated, "I have chosen a suitable person for you. Stay home during this period and get ready to get married in a month." He might not care about the maid, but the child in her belly was his flesh and blood. If Qingluo really cared for him, she wouldn't have gotten rid of that child for his sake.

By the time Fu Qingluo realised what Tianlei's words meant, he was already gone. She wanted to rush out to find him but was stopped by the guards at the door. In the Fu family, the real power was held by Fu Tianlei, not Fu Jian. So, no matter how unruly Qingluo was before, nothing would happen as long as Tianlei protected her.

Chen Shi looked at her furious husband and felt uneasy. However, she quickly composed herself and approached him gently, asking, "Husband, what's wrong?"

Fu Tianlei replied, "Qingluo will be leaving the family next month. Prepare the things for her wedding." Having said that, he turned and walked away.

Chen Shi immediately called her maid, Qiu Dan, and instructed her, "Go find out what's going on." Most likely, this had something to do with that despicable maid's miscarriage.

Qiu Dan quickly returned and reported, "Madam, the Young General is furious because Da Gunainai3 caused that despicable maid to miscarry. He wants to marry her off."

Chen Shi felt great relief, thankful that she hadn't taken matters into her own hands, or else her husband's wrath would have fallen upon her. However, her brow furrowed again as she asked, "Did the Young General meet with the General before visiting Da Gunainai3?" Chen Shi was well aware that her father-in-law didn't like her, especially since she had given birth to two daughters in a row without a son.

Qiu Dan nodded. "Yes."

Chen Shi gently stroked her belly, convincing herself that this child had to be a son. Otherwise, her father-in-law would no longer tolerate it and would surely force her husband to take a concubine. And her husband wouldn't refuse as he did before.

The next day, Yuxi learned about Fu Qingluo's impending marriage. It wasn't because she had deliberately inquired about the Fu family but because Fu Tianlei wanted to give her four maidservants. They belonged to Fu Qingluo and were skilled in martial arts.

Yuxi asked in great surprise, "Does Fu Qingluo agree?"

Yun Qing replied, "That is not the issue. The real question is whether you want to take them." He told her that they were more like female bodyguards than maids. Yuxi was currently in great need of them, and these maids at Fu Qingluo's side had impressive martial arts skills. So when Fu Tianlei mentioned this matter, Yun Qing was tempted.

Yuxi smiled. "It's a rare opportunity you can't find even if you search with a lantern. It would be foolish of me to refuse." She was in need of people, and they were being offered to her without any concern for hidden motives. Why shouldn't she accept?

Yun Qing said, "These maidservants have good skills; if you can subdue them, they will be a great asset." If Yuxi couldn't do it, he would be there to help!

Yuxi looked at Yun Qing and chuckled. "With Zijin around, I'm not worried about being unable to subdue them." Sometimes, when it came to winning people over, she had to rely on force.

When Mama Qu learned of the situation, she expressed some concern: "Madam, these maids belong to the Fu family. Is it appropriate to bring them into the residence?" With Fu Qingluo misbehaving, her maidservants were unlikely to be any better. Besides, if they happened to know some secrets within the mansion and told the Fu family, it wouldn't be appropriate.

Yuxi smiled and said, "Mama Qu, the youngest among Fu Qingluo's maids is already seventeen or eighteen."

Mama Qu immediately understood what Yuxi meant. "Madam, are you planning to assign these maids to the guards in the residence and then use them by your side?"

Yuxi nodded. "People always have their own motives. After they get married and have children, their husband and children will become their top priority." Getting married and having children was a normal mindset. Fu Qingluo might have rebellious thoughts and not want to get married and be restricted, but these maidservants around her might not feel the same way and might not wish to remain single all their lives.

Mama Qu nodded. She couldn't say it was true for everyone, but at least ninety per cent of the women would put their husbands and children first once they were married and had children. "There are over forty unmarried guards in the mansion. We should be able to find suitable candidates to satisfy them."😌

Yuxi smiled and said, "I'll leave this matter to Mama." If Fu Tianlei could send people over, their backgrounds must be clean. She dared to use such people. It was not that she trusted Fu Tianlei, but rather, she trusted Yun Qing. Regarding personnel management, Yuxi had to admit that Yun Qing was better than her.

That night, Yuxi brought up the matter of Fu Qingluo to Yun Qing: "I've already asked. Fu Qingluo's residence is a half a day's journey from Yu City. But she returned on the second day after the incident with that maid. Isn't that strange?"

Yun Qing, who had no time to deal with such internal conflicts, especially from another family, asked, "Are you saying that someone deliberately informed Fu Qingluo?"

Yuxi nodded. "Fu Qingluo is an ambitious person. How could she care about the trivial matters of the inner courtyard? This time, she must have been used by someone." Fu Qingluo had martial arts skills and was not foolish, but she was too ambitious and lacked a down-to-earth approach to things.

Yun Qing, not being foolish either, immediately said, "Are you saying it's Chen Shi?" He couldn't think of anyone else but Chen Shi.

Yuxi didn't continue the conversation but said, "This matter can be easily investigated if one intends to do so." Fu Tianlei was the head of the Fu family, and if he had the intention to look into it, he could definitely uncover the truth. However, Yuxi felt that Fu Tianlei might have already sensed something was amiss but chose not to dig deeper. Firstly, it was because Chen Shi was pregnant at the moment, and secondly, it was because of the bond between husband and wife, so Fu Tianlei decided to avoid it.

Yun Qing frowned and only spoke after a while, "This is someone else's business." If Fu Tianlei knew that this matter was related to Chen Shi and chose not to investigate further, that was his choice as well.

Yuxi deliberately mentioned this matter to Yun Qing, indicating that she had her own agenda. She said, "He Rui, Chen Shi and Fu Tianlei used to be a loving couple that others envied, but now they have reached this point..." The beginning of their relationship was so beautiful, and the betrayal was just as painful. Although she didn't like Chen Shi, there was a slight fear in her heart. Promises were easy to make, but keeping them for decades was especially difficult.

Upon hearing these words, Yun Qing was somewhat speechless. What did it have to do with him if Fu Tianlei impregnated a maid? However, he knew that when Yuxi had nothing to do, she liked to indulge in random thoughts. He immediately took Yuxi into his arms. "What are you worried about? The people who serve me are all grown men, not women. Besides, I have enough self-control not to let such things happen." After a pause, he continued, "Stop overthinking. This kind of thing won't happen to me. Tianlei gets drunk easily, but I can handle a thousand cups."

Before Yuxi could say anything, they heard Mama Qu report from outside, "General, Madam, the Emperor has passed away." The Emperor's passing needed to be announced to the world, but Yu City was too far from the capital, so they received the news late.

Upon hearing the news, the couple stood up quickly. The Emperor's passing was a major event that had to be announced to the public as quickly as possible. Because of the Emperor's passing, all music was to be stopped, and no marriages would take place for a hundred days.😮

Footnotes Full List
  1. eldest brother
  2. elder brother, short form for Gege
  3. da=eldest, gunainai=other than being used to a married daughter, this word is also a colloquial way of addressing an unmarried girl or woman, expressing affection or reproach
  4. Would Xu Wu find his soulmate?
  5. Oh, doesn't this mean Fu Qingluo won't get married next month?


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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7 Aug 24
🦊 : I've updated 4 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 547, 548, 549 & 550. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊